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ED Calls the English or German homepage.
home Calls the homepage of the selected language or the "real" homepage.
HAAGE & PARTNER COMPUTER GMBH Calls the "real" homepage.
news Calls the News section, which is the English or German homepage.
service Calls the Service section which covers links, show information, more about HAAGE & PARTNER and many Amiga related themes.
mail or mail Shows all E-Mail addresses (support, people, information).

Mail / Phone / Fax / E-Mail
Mail HAAGE & PARTNER Computer GmbH
Mainzer Str. 10 A
61191 Rosbach
Phone/Fax Phone: +49 6007 93 00 50 or 06007 93 00 50 (inside Germany)
Fax: +49 6007 7543 or 06007 7543 (inside Germany)
E-Mail If you have a general question, please use:

MAIL (mail@haage-partner.com)

For orders or related questions, please use:

SALES (sales@haage-partner.com)

For feedback related to this website, please use:

WEBMASTER (webmaster@haage-partner.com)

© 1997 HAAGE & PARTNER Computer - http://www.haage-partner.com