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                              EDIT SEASON DATA


This section allows you to edit the result of every grand prix run so far,
and even the results of races not yet run.

What you will see

You will see a screen which has a window to the left displaying all of the
races in the calender.  You will notice that one of them will be highlighted
with a coloured bar round it.  This is the currently selected race.  Another
race will have its name in a different colour to the rest, which means that
it is the next race to be run in the calender.

Below this is a column of buttons used to preform certain tasks on the
Season data.  Below this you will see a window labelled Non-Finishers, which
as the name suggests lists all the drivers which didn't finish the race, or
maybe didn't even start it.

To the right of these windows will be result of the race that is


Choose a race by clicking on its name with the left mouse-button.  The
results of the race will appear on the right.

Highlight a driver by clicking on their name, again with the left

You can preform the following tasks on each result by clicking on the
following buttons:-


This will scroll the data to display the first 26 positions


This will scroll the data to display positions 26-40.

Move Up

This will move the currently selected driver up the results list.

Move Down

This will move the currently selected driver down the results list.

Set as Next Race

Clicking on this button will set the currently highlighted race as the next
race to be run.  The name of the race will then change colour once

Add Driver

This will add the selected driver in the Non-Finishers window to the race in
the highlighted position in the results list on the right.  Please note that
it will replace the currently highlighted driver (if there is one), who will
then become a non-finisher.

You can scroll through the non-finishers by using the < and > buttons to
scroll left and right respectively.

Del. Driver

This will delete the currently selected driver in the results list, and make
them a non-finisher.

Main Menu

This will take you back to the Main Menu screen.

Converted on 21 Oct 1997 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.1 by Michael Ranner.