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                              EDIT DRIVER DATA


This option allows you to change driver details such as their name, and
whether they are human or computer controlled.

What you will see

To the left will be a column of buttons used to edit the driver data.  To
the right will be a list of all drivers that have been assigned to a team.
The number next to their name is the number of their car.  All human drivers
will be highlighted in a different coloured text to the computer drivers.


You can highlight a driver by clicking on their name with the left-mouse

You can preform the following tasks on each driver:-

Toggle Human/Computer

This option will select whether the driver will be human controlled or
computer controlled.

Rename Driver

This option will allow you to change the name of the currently selected
driver.  Note that names can only have a maximum of 24 characters.

Main Menu

This will take you back to the Main Menu.

Converted on 21 Oct 1997 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.1 by Michael Ranner.