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XQuick Start Manual

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Quick Start

Full Program Description

Read The "2 Find Mp3" FAQ

License Agreement

Quick start: search, verify and download MP3 files in 3 easy steps !
line.gif (874 bytes)

step1.gif (1025 bytes) Search
- In the dropdown list to the left of the button "Find It !", enter one or more key words (name of artist, song title, ...) of your choice. To retry previous search keys, click on the arrow to the right of the dropdown list and select one of its entries.
- Hit "Find It !". The progress of the search is indicated by the arrow icon in the first column of the result grid, the progress bar and the time diplay. When the search is over or canceled by the user, success is indicated by a green check mark and failure by a red cross.

Engine status

icorobotidle.gif (915 bytes) Idle, ready to go

icorobotsending.gif (919 bytes) Sending, waiting for results

icorobotok.gif (899 bytes) The search engine returned results

icorobotnoaccess.gif (914 bytes) The search engine returned no results

step2.gif (1030 bytes) Verify
- After the sarch is over, "2 Find Mp3" switches automatically to the verification of the search results. Again the progress is indicated by the progress bar and the time display. Each time a site is verified, a sound is played, a green check mark is displayed next to the site and a green led is displayed in front of each file.

Site status

icositehttp.gif (952 bytes) Http site

icositeunverified.gif (895 bytes) Connecting to ftp site

icositeok.gif (899 bytes) Site willing to send files

icositenoaccess.gif (914 bytes) Site access denied

icositeratio.gif (919 bytes) Ftp ratio site

icositebanner.gif (922 bytes) Ftp banner site

icositebusy.gif (917 bytes) Ftp site busy

icositeerror.gif (891 bytes) Ftp site error

icositetimeout.gif (906 bytes) Connection timed out

step3.gif (1033 bytes) Download
- As soon as the first results are displayed, you are ready to download the MP3 files. Select a file and hit the download button tlbdownload.gif (879 bytes). You can also choose the "Direct Fast..." item in the download menu or right click the file to activate the popup menu and then choose the first item "Download...". The MP3 files are stored in the music directory you select in the "Options" menu (by default this is the "Music" directory in the home directory of "2 Find Mp3").

File status

icofilehttp.gif (900 bytes) Http file unverified

icofileunverified.gif (900 bytes) Ftp file unverified

icofileok.gif (900 bytes) File available for fast direct download : click tlbdownload.gif (879 bytes)to start immediate download

icofilenoaccess.gif (900 bytes) File unavailable

The number of available MP3 files is listed next to the green check mark icositesok.gif (866 bytes) next to the progress bar.


Full program description
line.gif (874 bytes)

System requirements

Windows 95/98/NT or higher.
IE 4.0 or higher.


toolbar.gif (2324 bytes)

File menu

mnufile.gif (1523 bytes)

tlbsave.gif (890 bytes) Save

After "2 Find Mp3" has finished his search for MP3 files, you can save the results by choosing this menu item. The name of the file is the same as the current search keys and the file is saved in the directory of the program. The results are sorted by site and linked to the corresponding URL. At any time, you can click one of these links to try to retrieve the file.

tlblog.gif (911 bytes) View Log...

After the MP3 files are checked, you can view the extended FTP log by choosing this menu item. All files are ordered by site and by attempt. You can examine this log to learn about the details concerning the use of banner and ratio sites. Every attempt concludes with a status statement. Server responses are in yellow, requests to the server are in green and start with ">". Verification is an ongoing process. You can cancel at any time.

tlbprint.gif (897 bytes) Print

Choose this menu item to print the results obtained from the MP3 search engines. All files are sorted by site.


Choose this menu item to exit the application and to return to your desktop.

Search menu

mnusearch.gif (1561 bytes)

Find It ! - Cancel Search - Cancel Verify

The text of this menu item changes with the different program states. Choose "Find It !" to start a new search, "Cancel Search" to cancel the search process and "Cancel Verify" to cancel the verification process. These options are also available through clicking the button next to the dropdown list with the search keys.

Verify Site

Choose this menu item to verify the status of a single site. Be sure to first select a file from the site you wish to verify (the file must be highlighted) before choosing this option.

Verify All

Choose this menu item to verify all sites that are not marked as available, banner site or ratio site.

Download menu

mnudownload.gif (1739 bytes)

tlbdownload.gif (879 bytes) Direct Fast...

After selecting a file from the list of verified MP3 results, you can choose this menu item to start downloading the file by the integrated fast download facility. When the download is complete, you can immediately start playing the MP3 file by clicking "Play".

Copy URL

After selecting a file from the list of verified MP3 results, you can choose this menu item to copy the URL to the clipboard. If you have an FTP client running (e.g. Bullet Proof FTP, Cute FTP, ...), it will detect the URL and start to download the file automatically.


After selecting a file from the list of verified MP3 results, you can choose this menu item to start downloading the file by  the popular download manager GetRight (if installed).


After selecting a file from the list of verified MP3 results, you can choose this menu item to start downloading the file by  the popular download manager Go!zilla (if installed).

Popup menu

popup.gif (5367 bytes)

To access the popup menu, first select the file of your choice and then click the right button of your mouse.

Extra menu

mnuextra.gif (1180 bytes)

After choosing "Options..." the options window is displayed.

options.gif (5383 bytes)

tlbplaylist.gif (876 bytes) Play List...

Choose this menu item to access the Play List and listen to your downloaded music files.

Help menu

mnuhelp.gif (1894 bytes)

tlbhelp.gif (877 bytes) Contents...

Choose this menu item to view the HTML help file.

License Agreement...

To view the license agreement of "2 Find Mp3", choose this menu item. The license agreement will also be displayed when starting "2 Find Mp3" for the first time. You must agree to the license agreement in order to be able to use "2 Find Mp3".

tlbvisitsite.gif (936 bytes) Home Page...

Choose this menu item to visit the "2 Find Mp3" web site and learn about the release of new versions, upcoming events and also about other exciting products by NPS Software.

tlbtellafriend.gif (890 bytes) Tell A Friend...

If you think "2 Find Mp3" is a great program, you might want to tell your friends about it. Just choose this menu item, fill in the email address of your friend and share your thoughts about "2 Find Mp3".


Choosing this menu item will display the "2 Find Mp3" splash screen with copyright and other information.

Banner area

"2 Find Mp3" is banner supported freeware. Thanks to our sponsors we are able to continue the development of free quality software for the internet community. Please support us by visiting all our sponsors !