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 tw_NtxPos( nOrder, nRecno )
     Determine the logical offset from the top of an index file of a
     given record in a database. This function is used to calculate the
     position of scroll bar buttons after some operations in TSDWIN. If
     you modify the record position during an ActionKey or Hot Spot
     procedure of your own when in a browse using scroll bars, you may
     find it necessary to update the scroll bar cargo variable with
     this function before returning to the browse.


     nOrder - 'N' Index order for the required index. May be a return
                  from INDEXORD( 0 ).

     nRecno - 'N' Record number for which to find the offset.


     Numeric indicating the offset of nRecno from the top of the index


     nPosition := tw_NtxPos( INDEXORD( 0 ), RECNO() )

See Also: tw_NtxRec()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson