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 twMInkeyWait( nSecs, lKeyExit, lMouseExit )
     twMInkeyWait() is a replacement for twInkeyWait() with mouse

       Keystroke Handling:

     If a key is pressed, twMInkeyWait() returns the value of the key
     pressed. If nSecs is set to zero, twMInkeyWait() waits for either
     a mouse button or a key to be pressed. You have the option of
     remaining inside the 'wait' state after either keypresses or
     button presses. Support for SETKEYS is included.

     You may vary the behaviour of twMInkeyWait() with lKeyExit. If you
     want keypresses NOT to exit the 'wait' state, set lKeyExit to
     FALSE, which is the default.

       Mouse Support:

     The default mouse support varies according to the value of
     lMouseExit. You may remain in the wait state after a button press
     by setting lMouseExit to FALSE, the default. By combining your
     choices of lKeyExit and lMouseExit, many variations are possible.

     Support is included for SETKEYS and mouse hot spots so that you
     can display hot spots and also have a key set to perform the same
     action. For instance, you may want the escape key to allow an
     exit but have no exit on the press of a mouse button except hot
     spots. Assign a hot spot to stuff the keyboard buffer with K_ESC
     to get out.

     As with most TSDWIN mouse functions, the right button defaults to


     nSecs      - 'N' Timeout Value. If zero, wait forever. THE DEFAULT
                      IS ZERO, unlike twInkeyWait() and INKEY() which
                      exit if no key is pressed. twMInkeyWait() ALWAYS
                      waits for an event.

     lKeyExit   - 'L' Logical to allow/disallow exit on keypresses. The
                      default is .F., DON'T ALLOW EXIT.

     lMouseExit - 'L' Logical to allow/disallow exit with button
                      presses. The default is .F., BUT, the right mouse
                      button ALWAYS reverts to EXIT.


     Value of the key presses or  100 times the button number:

                       Left Button: 1
                      Right Button: 2
                      Both Buttons: 3


     FUNCTION Main()
     LOCAL nKey
     DO WHILE .T.

         // this will remain in the 'wait' state for all button presses
         // except the right button. DO NOT assign the right button to
         // hot spots for now. This will be corrected in a later version.
         // All key presses will force an exit.

         nKey := twMInkeyWait( , .T., .F. ) // Loop Forever.

         DO CASE
             CASE nKey = 27
             CASE nKey = 2000


See Also: twMIHotSpot() twMIMouseLine()
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