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 twMenuSetClr( cColor )

     twMenuSetClr() allows you to set the menu colour different from the
     window in which it is displayed. This is useful when creating
     fancy menus with buttons, for instance. Colours, however, may be
     set through the prompt or allowed to default to the window color.


     cColor - 'C' This parameter should be passed as Clipper color
                  string. If you pass a background colour, the fourth
                  element in the comma-delimited list, it will be used
                  as the default for the TSDWIN menu message system.
                  The Clipper unselected colour is used for unavailable
                  choices, the standard colour for the normal text
                  colour and the enhanced colour for the highlight bar.




    twSetMenuClr( "bg/b,gr+/r,,gr+/b,n+/b" )

See Also: twMenuTo()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson