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 twDBrowse( wT, wL, wB, wR, aColumns, cTitle, Footers,;
            bTopBlock, bBotBlock, bScopeBlock, lEditFlag,;
            aActionKeys, wColor, wSType, wFType, wFColor,;
            lScBar, lMsgs, lAlite, nFreeze, lStabilize )
     Display and handle keystrokes for a TBrowse defined on the
     currently selected database file. All parameters have defaults. By
     allowing the function to set them, twDBrowse() operates similarly
     to DBedit(), but with superior keystroke defaults.

     Record scoping is supported in twDBrowse().

     The TBrowse processes the following keys:

                Up Arrow ---------+
                Down Arrow        |
                Left Arrow        |
                Right Arrow       |
                Page Down         |- Scroll the Highlight Bar in
                Page Up           |  the normal way.
                Ctrl Page Down    |
                Ctrl Page Up      |
                Ctrl Left Arrow   |
                Ctrl Right Arrow  |
                Ctrl Home         |
                Ctrl End ---------+

                Escape         - Exit with no choice.
                Enter          - If EditFlag is .T., allow editing of
                                 the current field in the current
                                 record, otherwise, exit the browse.
                Delete         - Mark the current record for deletion.
                Alpha Keys     - Speed Search with display of key.
                F1             - Display default keystroke handling.
                F8             - Swap current column with the one on
                                 the left.
                F7             - Delete the current column from the
                F9             - Subtract one to the count of columns
                                 on the left which are frozen. The
                                 freeze value defaults to 0.
                F10            - Add one to the count of columns
                                 on the left which are frozen. The
                                 freeze value defaults to 0.


     wT, wL     - 'N' Screen coordinates for the display
     wB, wR           window.

     aColumns   - 'A' An array containing as its elements the TBrowse
                      columns to display. If this parameter is not
                      passed, it defaults to creating columns for every
                      field in the currently selected database file.

     cTitle     - 'C' Header for the display window. The default is

     Footers    - 'C' Footer for the display window. The default is

     bTopBlock  - 'B' Code block to define the top record in the scope.
                      Defaults to BOF().

     bBotBlock  - 'B' Code block to define the bottom record in the
                      scope. Defaults to EOF().

     bScopeBlock- 'B' Code block to define records in the scope.
                      Defaults to {|| RECNO() <> NIL }.

     lEditFlag  - 'L' Allow/disallow editing in the DBedit() manner.
                      Append is NOT supported in this version.

     aActionKeys- 'A' This optional parameter allows you to require
                      twDBrowse() to execute external code WITHOUT
                      exiting the browse. The operation is similar to
                      that used in the Alert Class.

                      Each element in the array must have two elements,
                      the first to indicate which key you wish to use
                      to invoke the external code, the second, a code
                      block to execute when that key is pressed.

                      ActionKeys can be used to override the default
                      keystroke handling in twDBrowse(), ie., if you
                      don't like what K_F8 does, pass in code to
                      replace it in the ActionKeys Array.

     wColor     - 'C' Clipper colour string. Defaults to SETCOLOR(). It
                      is suggested that you pass a colour string with
                      the Clipper background colour set. If you do,
                      that colour is used for frozen columns.

     wSType     - 'N' TSDWIN shadow type. Defaults to no shadow.

     wFType     - 'N' TSDWIN frame type. Defaults to single line box.

     wFColor    - 'C' Optional border colour. Can be used to make the
                      active window, in this case the browse, have a
                      different border colour from other windows.

     lScBar     - 'L' Logical to indicate whether or not to display a
                      scrollbar in the display window. Please be warned
                      that when using dynamic searching, the scrollbar
                      may not be properly updated. This deficiency will
                      be corrected in a later version.

     lMsgs      - 'L' Logical to indicate whether or not to display
                      configuration messages during the display for
                      users' information.

     lALite     - 'L' Logical to indicate whether or not to use field
                      pointing for the highlight or to disable it and
                      highlight an entire row of the display.

     nFreeze    - 'N' Number of columns to freeze initially. The
                      default is zero.

     lStabilize - 'L' Logical to allow for control of browse

                    .T. - allow keypresses to interrupt
                    .F. - browse must be stable before
                          accepting keypresses.


     Current Record Number, or zero for exit without selection.


     FUNCTION main()
     local TopBlock, BotBlock, ScopeBlock
     LOCAL wT := 3, wL := 10, wB := 20, wR := 60
     LOCAL wColor := "w+/rb,b/w,,,w/rb", wSType := 3, wFType := 4
     LOCAL Editflag := .T.
     LOCAL columns := NIL, ActionKeys := NIL, Footers := NIL
     FIELD codekey, codeShort:, continent


     USE windemo INDEX windemo ALIAS test NEW
     TopBlock   := {|| codekey = "B" }
     BotBlock   := {|| codekey = "P" }
     ScopeBlock := {|| codekey >= "B" .AND. codekey <= "P" }

     // position record pointer within scope
     go top
     seek "B"

     columns := {}
     AADD( Columns, TBColumnNew( "Code;Key", FIELDBLOCK( "codekey" ) ))
     AADD( Columns, TBColumnNew( "Code;Description", ;
                   FIELDBLOCK( "codeShort:" ) ))

     twdBrowse( wT, wL, wB, wR, columns, footers, TopBlock, ;
               BotBlock, ScopeBlock, EditFlag, ActionKeys, ;
               wColor, wSType, wFType, .T., .T. )

     Compile link and run the DBR.PRG demo. More examples will be
     available on the TSDWIN Support BBS.

See Also: twGetaBrowse() twGetCurElem()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson