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 twDbPick( cAlias, cField, cColHead, nTop, nLeft, wColor,;
           wSType, wFType, wFColor, bReturn, lSound )
     Displays a pick list on an open database. You must pass the work
     area alias and the field name. A later version might allow a code
     block to ne passed, to allow the viewing of more than one field.

     The box is centered on the screen by default, or you can define
     where it goes. If the size is out of bounds, the box is truncated.

     Scrollbars are automatically added.

     The TBrowse processes the following keys:

                Up Arrow ---------+
                Down Arrow        |
                Left Arrow        |
                Right Arrow       |
                Page Down         |- Scroll the Highlight Bar in
                Page Up           |  the normal way.
                Ctrl Page Down    |
                Ctrl Page Up      |
                Ctrl Left Arrow   |
                Ctrl Right Arrow  |
                Ctrl Home         |
                Ctrl End ---------+

                Escape         - Exit with no choice.
                Enter          - Exit with choice.
                Alt U          - Move box up one space.
                Alt N          - Move box down one space.
                Alt H          - Move box left one space.
                Alt J          - Move box right one space.
                Alpha Keys     - Speed Search with display of key.


     cAlias   - 'C' OPEN database alias

     cField   - 'C' Fieldname to display

     cColHead - 'C' Header for column. Defaults to 'Select Item'

     nTop     - 'N' Top line for display. Defaults to center the box.

     nLeft    - 'N' Left column for display. Defaults to center the

     wColor   - 'C' Clipper color string or three element array for
                    colors as follows: The defaults are shown.

                     wColor =  Window Colour Clipper Standard
                     tColor =  Title Colour Reverse Standard Colour
                     sColor =  ScrollBar Colour Clipper Standard

     wSType   - 'N' Window shadow type. (See Quick Reference)

     wFType   - 'N' Window frame type. (See Quick Reference)

     wFColor  - 'C or A' TSDWIN frame colour.

     bReturn  - 'B' Return. Defaults to RECNO(). Pass by Reference.

     lSound   - 'L' Logical for sound at hitbottom and hittop.


     Defaults to RECNO() but is definable.


     // Open Database
     USE windemo INDEX windemo.ntx ALIAS codes NEW
     SELECT codes

     TryGet1 := SPACE( LEN( codes->codekey ))
     TryGet2 := SPACE (LEN( codes->codeShort: ))
     SETCOLOR( "w+/b,gr+/r,,,n/w" )
     @ 0,0,24,79 BOX "#########"

     @05,10 SAY "Getting.." GET TryGet1 PICTURE "@X" WHEN ;
            CheckList( "codes", "codekey", "Key;Value" )

     @06,10 SAY "Next One " GET TryGet2 PICTURE "@X" WHEN ;
            CheckList( "codes", "codeShort:", "Code;Decsription" )

     READMODAL( getlist )
     getlist := {}

     // Executes in the WHEN condition
     FUNCTION CheckList( In_Alias, In_Field, ColHead )

     LOCAL bColor := { "w+/g,gr+/br", "n/w" }
     LOCAL SelField, TcRecord1 := RECNO()
     LOCAL TcSelect := SELECT()
     LOCAL TcRecord2, t

     t := twDBPick( In_Alias, In_Field,;
                       ColHead, 2, 45, bColor, 1, 9 )

     IF t <> NIL
         SELECT &In_Alias; TcRecord2 := RECNO(); GOTO t
         SelField := In_Alias + "->" + In_Field
         KEYBOARD &SelField
         GO TcRecord2
         SELECT( TcSelect ); GO TcRecord1
         RETURN .T.

         RETURN .T.
         RETURN .F.

See Also: twARPick()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson