Create a new Project

The first thing to do (after running PSA), is to create your new project. Under the Project menu, select New Project.... You will be presented with a screen like the one at right, allowing you to pick the project format you require. Since station identifications are typically very short (our tutorial project is only four seconds long), we should choose 44100khz / 5 min CD Mastering, and then hit OK. Following this, you will be asked to name your project, and give it a home somewhere on your hard drive. This is done via a standard ASL directory requestor. Choose a drive and project name suitable to your system.

Import your audio

Under the Region menu choose Import... to add source audio to your new project. You can also use the hotkeys Left Amiga-I or simply I for this operation. A window like the one at left will open, along with an ASL requestor allowing you to select your file. The audio for this tutorial is located in the Tutorial1/Audio drawer. Once a selection is made, PSA will display info on the file - format, sample rate, length, etc.

Now you are faced with a decision - Import, or Link? What's the difference? Well, importing actually copies the audio into a subdirectory of your project directory. Linking lets PSA use the sample in its current location. Importing is typically the preferred method, as it allows for a clutter-free project - plus you always know where your audio is located. For the sake of this tutorial, select Import. Now, go through and select each audio file for the tutorial.

The samples included with the tutorial should be as follows :

Now you're ready to build your session.