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Monday 08 June 1998  Front Page Next


ENGLAND coach Glenn Hoddle is ready to go to World Cup war with the press to protect his players, despite taking members of the national squad to task himself over their off-the-field conduct.

The England coach responded to Teddy Sheringham's pathetic Portuguese pranks, which happened just days after the controversial axeing of errant star Paul Gascoigne, by insisting the Manchester United player apologise in public.

But Hoddle vehemently backed Darren Anderton after front page claims about a Bournemouth brawl were utterly refuted by the Spurs winger. And the coach has already made veiled threats to the press that he will not hesitate to go on the offensive if he feels any of his players have been unfairly targeted.

Last week, that threat was made good with the public 'naming and shaming' of a Sunday tabloid Hoddle accused of fabricating claims about Paul Gascoigne. And while the coach accepts he and his players will be fair game if anybody does step out of line, he is ready to fight fire with fire if he believes they have been turned over.

''Teddy's had to face the music, I've had to do what I've had to do, David Davies (the FA's chief spokesman) has been kept up all night,'' said Hoddle.

''That's part of the situation, that's fact. But I've gone on record as saying I think that what is out of order is somebody having a story for eight months and waiting until now to bring it out at World Cup time. It that happens, you'll see another side of me - and then you'll have a problem. That's what I'm saying.''

England boss Glenn Hoddle

A clear and unambiguous warning, and Hoddle went on: ''If three girls are caught climbing over the hotel wall in La Baule - and it's not going to happen, simply not going to happen - then that's under my jurisdiction and down to me.

''I know that would be a story, but if people are doing things just to bring them out at World Cup time that would be a problem. I would defend my players, without a doubt, like I have with Darren, defend him to the hilt.''

The Sheringham situation was clearly a boil Hoddle believed had to be lanced, and while he accepted the player's protestations that things had looked worse than they were, he was undoubtedly furious.

Even so, the coach refused to draw any parallels with the infamous pre-Euro 96 night out at the Hong Kong Jump Club. ''This is completely different,'' he said. ''Teddy wasn't paralytic drunk, which I think they were in Hong Kong. His hours were different. I've done it when I've been to Marbella in the summer, sleeping through the day, playing golf at four, not eating until 11 or 12. That was the scenario with Teddy.

But the coach admitted that the end of the phony war could not come too soon. ''We need to start playing football, to focus everybody on the World Cup,'' he said. ''The quicker the tournament starts, the better for everybody.

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