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/ Monster Media 1994 #1 / monster.zip / monster / BBS_SUN / BETSY32.ZIP

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 130+ Registered Doors
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Archives (1)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
IBBS24.ZIP PKZip Archive 7 56KB 1994-01-01

Text (12)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
BETSY Text File 6 63b 1993-11-26
BETSY.CFG Text File 34 275b 1994-03-12
BETSY.DOC Text File 609 27KB 1994-03-12
BETSY.HIS Text File 228 10KB 1994-03-12
BETSY.INS Text File 62 2KB 1993-11-26
CCORDER.FRM Text File 51 2KB 1993-09-16
CDROM.FRM Text File 54 2KB 1993-11-27
FILE_ID.DIZ Text File 11 439b 1994-03-12
MOREDOOR.LST File List 330 14KB 1993-12-10
NEWSVC Text File 27 1KB 1993-10-05
README.1ST Text File 24 1KB 1994-03-12
REGISTER.FRM Text File 60 3KB 1993-12-10

Other Files (1)
BETSY.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 112KB 1994-03-12