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/ Current Shareware 1994 January / SHAR194.ISO / networks / wswin2.zip / WSWIN2.EXE

File Comment
                      NOVELL TERMS and CONDITIONS 
The software files enclosed in this self extracting file ("FILE") are
protected by the copyright laws of the United States and international
copyright treaties.  This FILE contains software files which are intended to
replace, patch or otherwise run with commercially available versions of
Novell software products.  You may without charge, reproduce and distribute
copies of the FILE and use copies of the files contained within the FILE for
their intended purposes to replace legally obtained, commercially available
Novell software; provided you do NOT (1) receive any direct payment,
commercial benefit, or other consideration for the reproduction, distribution
or use, or distribute the FILE as part of or in combination with any other
software or hardware product without the prior written consent of Novell Inc.
(2) change or omit any proprietary rights notice appearing on or in the FILE.
  !!! By extracting the FILES, You AGREE to these TERMS AND CONDITIONS !!!
To be sure all files are extracted use the "-d" option. (e.g. <Filename> -d) 

Directories (1)
Name# Files

Archives (17)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
NETWARE.DR_ Novel NetWare Packed File 1 87KB 1993-03-30
NETWARE.HL_ Novel NetWare Packed File 1 23KB 1993-02-09
NOVELL.BM_ Novel NetWare Packed File 1 41KB 1992-04-17
NOVLOGO1.BM_ Novel NetWare Packed File 1 11KB 1992-01-28
NWADMIN.IN_ Novel NetWare Packed File 1 147b 1993-01-20
NWCALLS.DL_ Novel NetWare Packed File 1 65KB 1993-05-18
NWIPXSPX.DL_ Novel NetWare Packed File 1 15KB 1993-05-18
NWLOCALE.DL_ Novel NetWare Packed File 1 19KB 1993-05-18
NWNET.DL_ Novel NetWare Packed File 1 90KB 1993-05-18
NWPOPUP.EX_ Novel NetWare Packed File 1 2KB 1993-01-14
NWPSRV.DL_ Novel NetWare Packed File 1 64KB 1993-05-14
NWRCON.PI_ Novel NetWare Packed File 1 223b 1992-01-03
NWUSER.EX_ Novel NetWare Packed File 1 2KB 1993-02-04
TASKID.CO_ Novel NetWare Packed File 1 5KB 1993-01-22
TBMI2.CO_ Novel NetWare Packed File 1 9KB 1993-01-28
VIPX.38_ Novel NetWare Packed File 1 10KB 1993-05-12
VNETWARE.38_ Novel NetWare Packed File 1 6KB 1993-06-29

Text (2)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
WSWIN_1 Comma Seperated Value File 42 8KB 1993-07-27
WSWIN1.TXT Text File 273 10KB 1993-08-31