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/ The Best of Windows 95.com 1996 September / WIN95_09963.iso / stickit

Archives (14)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
forgotit.zip PKZip Archive 6 42KB 1996-09-18
JOTITL.EXE PKZip Archive 9 625KB 1996-09-18
mininote.zip PKZip Archive 2 37KB 1996-09-18
mnote191.zip PKZip Archive 2 311KB 1996-09-23
note.zip PKZip Archive 4 1KB 1996-09-18
Notes.zip PKZip Archive 2 196KB 1996-09-18
notes161.zip PKZip Archive 11 56KB 1996-09-18
qnote.zip PKZip Archive 6 624KB 1996-09-18
stickits.zip PKZip Archive 12 836KB 1996-09-18
Sticky_1.1.zip PKZip Archive 21 2MB 1996-09-18
Stickythings.zip PKZip Archive 12 723KB 1996-09-18
stikn15.zip PKZip Archive 9 200KB 1996-09-18
traynote.zip PKZip Archive 12 210KB 1996-09-18
vn95.zip PKZip Archive 10 299KB 1996-09-18

Text (4)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
FILES.BBD Text File 94 7KB 1996-09-30
FILES.BBS File List 94 7KB 1996-09-30
stickit.html Hypertext Markup Language File 173 11KB 1996-09-30
stickit.txt Text File 140 7KB 1996-09-30

Other Files (1)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
yellow.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 3 1MB 1996-09-18