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/ The Best of Windows 95.com 1996 September / WIN95_09962.iso / savers

Jump To: Archive (45)  |  Text (4)  |  Other (8)

Archives (45)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
aj95v125.zip PKZip Archive 9 149KB 1996-09-16
bscrsvr.exe PKZip Archive 28 458KB 1996-09-26
Bullsvr.zip PKZip Archive 2 2MB 1996-09-16
Chscr.zip PKZip Archive 8 168KB 1996-09-16
cyber.zip PKZip Archive 1 42KB 1996-09-16
diving.exe PKZip Archive 5 1MB 1996-09-26
DPAINTERSW.ZIP PKZip Archive 10 853KB 1996-06-20
grav.zip PKZip Archive 3 40KB 1996-09-16
Gravity.zip PKZip Archive 1 22KB 1996-09-16
hd3.zip PKZip Archive 2 289KB 1996-09-16
jellysvr.zip PKZip Archive 3 119KB 1996-09-16
kaleid95.zip PKZip Archive 5 85KB 1996-09-17
LogoChanger.zip PKZip Archive 5 47KB 1996-09-16
nessie.zip PKZip Archive 1 137KB 1996-09-16
nova_gnt.zip PKZip Archive 2 160KB 1996-09-16
nova_gnt2.zip PKZip Archive 2 160KB 1996-09-16
picsave.exe PKZip Archive 16 1MB 1996-09-16
prim30.exe PKZip Archive 8 215KB 1996-09-16
psych25.zip PKZip Archive 3 179KB 1996-09-16
puffscr.zip PKZip Archive 3 319KB 1996-09-16
quix.zip PKZip Archive 3 25KB 1996-09-16
rotor.zip PKZip Archive 3 42KB 1996-09-16
S-Holidays95.zip PKZip Archive 11 537KB 1996-09-16
s32ss40.zip PKZip Archive 7 328KB 1996-09-16
savab134.zip PKZip Archive 12 21KB 1996-09-23
ScreenSaverTester.zip PKZip Archive 2 37KB 1996-09-23
SCRNARIO.ZIP PKZip Archive 17 263KB 1996-06-20
SHARK952.ZIP PKZip Archive 14 1MB 1996-06-20
stars110.zip PKZip Archive 10 23KB 1996-09-23
suldanna.zip PKZip Archive 45 2MB 1996-09-25
swarm.zip PKZip Archive 3 26KB 1996-09-16
swarm95.zip PKZip Archive 2 93KB 1996-09-16
tedshred.zip PKZip Archive 13 3MB 1996-09-16
ufo_scr.zip PKZip Archive 2 88KB 1996-09-16
venus.zip PKZip Archive 4 290KB 1996-09-26
WALLY95.ZIP PKZip Archive 5 154KB 1996-03-15
win.zip PKZip Archive 2 159KB 1996-09-16
wisdom32.zip PKZip Archive 1 286KB 1996-09-26
woble130.zip PKZip Archive 10 25KB 1996-09-23
WORMS.ZIP PKZip Archive 1 19KB 1996-03-15
wtrspt16.zip PKZip Archive 4 76KB 1996-09-16
xmorph.zip PKZip Archive 2 510KB 1996-09-16
xplayer.zip PKZip Archive 5 266KB 1996-09-16
xsaver.zip PKZip Archive 2 96KB 1996-09-16
xufo.zip PKZip Archive 2 165KB 1996-09-16

Text (4)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
FILES.BBD Text File 256 19KB 1996-09-30
FILES.BBS File List 256 19KB 1996-09-30
savers.html Hypertext Markup Language File 969 34KB 1996-09-30
savers.txt Text File 416 18KB 1996-09-30

Other Files (8)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
cz-demo.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 1 182KB 1996-09-16
flythg.scr Windows Screensaver 2 15KB 1996-09-26
instqtss.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 1 179KB 1996-09-16
menondsk.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 57 5MB 1996-09-16
movsetup.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 1 262KB 1996-09-16
msp21b32.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 1 2MB 1996-09-16
oams04dx.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 3 5MB 1996-09-16
sampler.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 2 1MB 1996-09-16