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Jump To: Text (5)  |  Other (17)

Text (5)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
_ma_090 Text File 33 1KB 1991-03-11
hilfe.mnu Text File 1,590 48KB 1980-01-01
liesmich.dok Text File 46 2KB 1989-01-24
start.bat DOS Batch File 7 65b 1980-01-03
start.dok Text File 11 449b 1989-01-24

Other Files (17)
tms.com MS-DOS COM Executable 65KB 1987-10-15
brthce60.opt Unknown 448b 1980-01-01
brthce60.zsa Unknown 256b 1980-01-01
chklist.ms Unknown 54b 1994-05-10
epson.opt Unknown 448b 1980-01-01
epson.zsa Unknown 256b 1980-01-01
ibmprint.opt Unknown 448b 1980-01-01
ibmprint.zsa Unknown 256b 1986-09-26
juki.opt Unknown 448b 1986-09-26
juki.zsa Unknown 256b 1985-01-04
lesen.com Unknown 4KB 1987-01-05
standard.opt Unknown 21b 1980-01-02
star.opt Unknown 512b 1986-09-26
star.zsa Unknown 256b 1986-09-26
tms.000 Unknown 94KB 1980-01-01
tms.001 Unknown 20KB 1987-10-15
tms.002 Unknown 11KB 1987-10-15