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Jump To: Archive (2)  |  Text (7)  |  Other (12)

Archives (2)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
gamemaps.sdm TED5 Archive 6KB 1992-08-27
vswap.wl1 PAK/ARC Compressed Archive 1 707KB 1992-05-29

Text (7)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
file_id.diz Text File 10 415b 1992-10-22
install.cmd OS/2 REXX Batch file 18 190b 1992-10-22
maphead.sdm Text File 1 402b 1992-08-27
read.me Text File 14 382b 1992-05-29
sod.doc Text File 143 7KB 1992-10-22
wmap.c C/C++ Source or Header 722 21KB 1992-05-26
wmap.txt Text File 34 997b 1992-05-26

Other Files (12)
install.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 10KB 1992-10-22
sod.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 108KB 1992-09-21
wmap.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 17KB 1992-05-26
vswap.sdm PGP Key Ring 731KB 1992-08-27
audiohed.sdm Unknown 1KB 1992-08-27
audiot.sdm Unknown 93KB 1992-08-27
chklist.ms Unknown 108b 1994-12-29
config.sdm Unknown 522b 1993-01-29
savegam0.sdm Unknown 20KB 1993-01-29
vgadict.sdm Unknown 1KB 1992-09-21
vgagraph.sdm Unknown 306KB 1992-09-21
vgahead.sdm Unknown 402b 1992-09-21