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/ The Best of the Best / _.img / 01003

Jump To: Audio (1)  |  Font (2)  |  Text (2)  |  Other (33)

Audio & Music (1)
music.voc Creative Voice 23s 185KB 1992-07-07

Fonts (2)
NamePreview NamePreview

Borland Graphics Font

1990-06-10 (18KB)
No Preview Available  litt.chr

Borland Graphics Font

1990-06-10 (5KB)
No Preview Available

Text (2)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
bsplus.bat DOS Batch File 5 30b 1992-04-23
liesmich.txt Text File 38 1KB 1993-11-12

Other Files (33)
bs.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 85KB 1992-11-15
ct-voice.drv MS-DOS COM Executable 2KB 1990-04-30
k3.com MS-DOS COM Executable 3KB 1992-06-22
sound.voi MS-DOS COM Executable 10KB 1991-10-20
egavga.bgi Borland Graphics Interface Driver 6KB 1990-06-10
halle.grp Relocatable Object Module 112KB 1991-03-02
rolle.grp Relocatable Object Module 112KB 1991-05-20
tr_raum.grp Relocatable Object Module 112KB 1991-04-10
auswahl.sgr Unknown 13KB 1991-12-15
b.dat Unknown 2KB 1990-07-21
b.sgr Unknown 10KB 1990-07-21
berg.grp Unknown 112KB 1990-12-29
bs.pal Unknown 17b 1990-12-29
c.dat Unknown 4KB 1992-07-08
c.sgr Unknown 167KB 1992-01-05
chklist.ms Unknown 81b 1994-05-10
d.dat Unknown 4KB 1992-07-08
d.sgr Unknown 152KB 1991-05-18
ende.sgr Unknown 28KB 1992-04-28
f.dat Unknown 4KB 1992-07-08
f.sgr Unknown 87KB 1991-12-16
fahne.sgr Unknown 7KB 1991-03-29
j.dat Unknown 3KB 1992-07-08
j.sgr Unknown 135KB 1992-05-17
k.dat Unknown 4KB 1992-07-08
k.sgr Unknown 85KB 1991-12-15
share.sgr Unknown 25KB 1992-04-28
sound.voc Unknown 34KB 1992-11-13
t.dat Unknown 666b 1992-11-01
t.sgr Unknown 8KB 1990-12-28
text.sgr Unknown 33KB 1992-09-29
titel.sgr Unknown 35KB 1991-04-11
urkunde.sgr Unknown 52KB 1991-05-20