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Jump To: Archive (1)  |  Font (2)  |  Text (17)  |  Other (7)

Archives (1)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
da20.exe LHArc Archive 21 178KB 1992-05-01

Fonts (2)
NamePreview NamePreview

Borland Graphics Font

1992-05-01 (2KB)
No Preview Available  trip.chr

Borland Graphics Font

1992-05-01 (7KB)
No Preview Available

Text (17)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
brdgr.dat Text File 1,271 17KB 1992-05-01
brdtab.dat Text File 26 700b 1992-05-01
flussgr.dat Text File 4,457 58KB 1992-05-01
flusstab.dat Text File 68 2KB 1992-05-01
gradgr.dat Text File 180 2KB 1992-05-01
gradtab.dat Text File 17 448b 1992-05-01
grenzgr.dat Text File 1,070 14KB 1992-05-01
grenztab.dat Text File 30 812b 1992-05-01
info.bat DOS Batch File 2 12b 1992-05-01
info.d Text File 258 8KB 1992-05-01
info.txt Text File 97 3KB 1992-05-01
installc.bat DOS Batch File 6 71b 1992-05-01
installd.bat DOS Batch File 6 71b 1992-05-01
orte.100 Text File 162 818b 1992-05-01
orte.30 Text File 30 152b 1992-05-01
seegr.dat Text File 2,411 31KB 1992-05-01
seetab.dat Text File 50 1KB 1992-05-01

Other Files (7)
atlas.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 164KB 1992-05-01
egavga.bgi Borland Graphics Interface Driver 5KB 1992-05-01
chklist.ms Unknown 81b 1994-12-29
datlas.cnt Unknown 4b 1993-03-04
ind.dat Unknown 59KB 1992-05-01
l4.com Unknown 4KB 1992-05-01
orte.dat Unknown 92KB 1992-05-01