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/ Exploring the Boundaries of Sound & Vision / MM_CD.iso / games / sinkanim

Jump To: Image (3)  |  Audio (3)  |  Font (3)  |  Text (7)  |  Other (19)

Images (3)

Audio & Music (3)
fx1.snd Creative Voice 1s 9KB 1994-03-01
fx2.snd Creative Voice 0.06s 5KB 1994-03-01
fx3.snd Creative Voice 1s 8KB 1994-03-01

Fonts (3)
NamePreview NamePreview

Dynamic Publisher Font

1994-02-28 (4KB)

Dynamic Publisher Font

1994-02-28 (4KB)

Dynamic Publisher Font

1994-02-28 (4KB)

Text (7)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
file_id.diz Text File 6 192b 1994-03-01
fireanim.cl1 Text File 54 43KB 1994-02-28
galleons.doc Text File 102 3KB 1994-03-01
highscor.dat Text File 1 63b 1994-10-02
options.cl1 Text File 20 28KB 1994-02-28
play.bat DOS Batch File 2 12b 1995-08-23
register.frm Text File 41 2KB 1994-03-01

Other Files (19)
game.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 132KB 1994-03-01
backgrd.cl1 Unknown 50KB 1994-02-28
backgrd.plt Unknown 777b 1994-03-01
contanim.cl1 Unknown 23KB 1994-02-28
fireanim.plt Unknown 777b 1994-03-01
gall1.snd Unknown 25KB 1994-02-28
intro.cl1 Unknown 17KB 1994-02-28
intro.plt Unknown 777b 1994-02-28
intro2.cl1 Unknown 9KB 1994-02-28
intro3.cl1 Unknown 21KB 1994-02-28
menuback.cl1 Unknown 51KB 1994-02-28
menuback.plt Unknown 777b 1994-03-01
offanim.bld Unknown 64KB 1994-03-01
options.plt Unknown 777b 1994-02-28
ship1.cl1 Unknown 13KB 1994-02-28
ship1.plt Unknown 777b 1994-03-01
ship2.cl1 Unknown 14KB 1994-02-28
ship2.plt Unknown 777b 1994-03-01
sinkanim.str Unknown 64KB 1994-02-28