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/ OS/2 Shareware BBS: 10 Tools / 10-Tools.zip / netdor2.zip / DISK_10 / IMAGE9.ZIP

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File Comment
COU - IBM Network Door/2
Licensed Materials-Property of IBM
5604-472 (c) Copyright IBM Corporation, 1993.  All rights reserved.
US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure
restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
Image Files

Directories (6)
Name# Files   Name# Files   Name# Files

Document (2)
NameFormat# PagesSizeDate
COU.MSG OS/2 Message File 50KB 1994-12-17
COUH.MSG OS/2 Message File 59KB 1994-12-17

Text (14)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
CONTENTS.COR Text File 639 39KB 1994-12-17
DELDIR.CMD OS/2 REXX Batch file 183 6KB 1993-08-17
dictiona.qsf Text File 46 6KB 1994-12-17
DROP.CMD OS/2 REXX Batch file 29 866b 1993-07-13
IMPIT.CMD OS/2 REXX Batch file 3,722 121KB 1994-12-13
MB.CMD OS/2 REXX Batch file 234 7KB 1993-09-24
MODPATH.CMD OS/2 REXX Batch file 283 12KB 1993-08-20
NAMEFIND.CMD OS/2 REXX Batch file 388 14KB 1993-09-23
OPEN.CMD OS/2 REXX Batch file 100 3KB 1993-08-20
pmcal.cmd OS/2 REXX Batch file 73 2KB 1993-06-30
pmdraw.cmd OS/2 REXX Batch file 44 2KB 1993-07-09
REGFUNC.CMD OS/2 REXX Batch file 288 12KB 1993-08-24
TRACEON.CMD OS/2 REXX Batch file 52 2KB 1993-06-30
welcome.cmd OS/2 REXX Batch file 44 2KB 1993-08-20

Other Files (23)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
backoff.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 12KB 1993-09-30
CATALOG.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 289KB 1994-12-13
CHKPSWD.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 20KB 1994-12-13
FGLOBE.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 1 85KB 1993-07-08
GIME.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 37KB 1993-09-30
IBROW.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 56KB 1992-06-23
LOGSNET.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 25KB 1994-11-25
MAGNIFY.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 46KB 1992-05-08
maint.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 117KB 1994-12-17
NEWPW.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 61KB 1994-11-25
PMBROWSE.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 112KB 1993-06-30
PMCAMERA.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 3 130KB 1993-05-11
QCONFIG.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 85KB 1993-01-22
QINETR.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 17KB 1994-12-12
QINETR32.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 37KB 1994-12-12
qsofnet2.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 28KB 1994-12-12
qsoft2.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 69KB 1994-12-17
QSYSTEM.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 76KB 1993-01-22
startobs.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 32KB 1993-09-30
STARTPRG.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 16KB 1993-09-30
timexec.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 48KB 1994-11-25
vendor.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 159KB 1994-12-17
VIEWALL.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 64KB 1993-08-31