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Name# Files   Name# Files   Name# Files
(MAC) Beck _Soul Suckin Jerk_2   (MAC) Beck F___in' With My He2   (MAC) Dance Hall Crashers _Go_2
(MAC) Pavement _Rattled by th2   (PC) Beck _F___in' With My Head_2   (PC) Beck _Soul Suckin Jerk_2
(PC) Dance Hall Crashers _Go_2   (PC) Pavement _Father to a Si2   (PC) Pavement _Rattled by the2
16 Horsepower_ Ruthie...(mac)2   16 Horsepower_ Ruthie...(pc)2   24-7 Spyz_ Spyz In Da House (2
24-7 Spyz_ Spyz In Da House (pc)2   60 Ft Dolls_ Happy Shopper (mac)2   60 Ft Dolls_ Happy Shopper (pc)2
764-HERO_ Sliding (mac)2   764-HERO_ Sliding (pc)2   A. Lyman_ Mele Kalikimaka (mac)2
Aerosmith_ Falling In Love (mac)2   Aerosmith_ Falling In Love (pc)2   Air Liquide_ Nephology (mac)2
Air Liquide_ Nephology (pc)2   Angelo Badalamenti_ L'Annive(2   Angelo Badalamenti_ L'Annive(pc)2
Aphex Twin_ Milkman (mac)2   Aphex Twin_ Milkman (pc)2   ApplesInStereo_ Tidal Wave (mac)2
ApplesInStereo_ Tidal Wave (pc)2   Archers of Loaf _Underachievers_2   Ash_ Kung Fu (mac)2
Ash_ Kung Fu (pc)2   Autour De Lucie_ Island (mac)2   Autour De Lucie_ Island (pc)2
Autour de Lucie_LesCiels...(mac)2   Autour de Lucie_LesCiels...(pc)2   B McCulloch _Answering Machine_3
B McCulloch _Doors_ (MAC)2   B McCulloch _Doors_ (WIN)2   Bad Livers_ Shufflin' to...(mac)2
Bad Livers_ Shufflin' to...(pc)2   Battery_ Gangsta's Para...(mac)2   Battery_ Gangsta's Para...(pc)2
Benna_ Goddess of Get... (mac)2   Benna_ Goddess of Get... (pc)2   Bill Janovitz_ Red Balloon (mac)2
Bill Janovitz_ Red Balloon (pc)2   Bis_ Kandy Pop (pc)2   Bjork on Techno (mac)2
Bjork on Techno (pc)2   Bjork_ I Miss You (mac)2   Bjork_ I Miss You (pc)2
Bloodhound Gang_ Fire...(mac)2   Bloodhound Gang_ Fire...(pc)2   Blur_ M.O.R. (mac)2
Blur_ M.O.R. (pc)2   Blur_ Song 2 (mac)2   Blur_ Song 2 (pc)2
Bob Mould_ Fort Knox Live (mac)2   Bob Mould_ Fort Knox-live (pc)2   Bodyjar_ Today's Ways (mac)2
Bodyjar_ Today's Ways (pc)2   Boo Radleys_ Meltin's Worm (mac)2   Boo Radleys_ Meltin's Worm (pc)2
Boredoms _Acid Police_ (MAC)2   Boredoms _Acid Police_ (PC)2   Bosstones_Impression That(mac)2
Bosstones_Impression That(pc)2   Bowery Electric_ Beat (pc)2   Bowie_ Little Wonder (pc)2
BR5-49_ Cherokee Boogie (mac)2   BR5-49_ Cherokee Boogie (pc)2   Brenda Kahn_ Spoon (mac)2
Brenda Kahn_ Spoon (pc)2   Brigid Boden_ Paddys Call (mac)2   Brigid Boden_ Paddys Call (pc)2
Burzum (mac)2   Burzum (pc)2   BUSH _Everything Zen_ (MAC)2
BUSH _Everything Zen_ (WIN)2   Bush_ Cold Contagious (mac)2   Bush_ Cold Contagious (pc)2
Bush_ Good King Something (mac)2   Bush_ Good King Something (pc)2   Bush_ Machine Head (mac)2
Bush_ Machine Head (pc)2   Bush_ Swallowed (mac)2   Cake_ I Will Survive (Mac)2
Cake_ I Will Survive (pc)2   Cake_ The Distance (mac)2   Cake_ The Distance (pc)2
Cakekitchen_ Bald Old...(mac)2   Cakekitchen_ Bald Old...(pc)2   Cheap Trick_ I Want You...(pc)2
Cheap Trick_ I Want..(mac)2   Chemical Bros_ Leave Home (mac)2   Chemical Bros_ Leave Home (pc)2
Chemical Bros_ Setting Sun (mac)2   Chemical Bros_ Setting Sun (pc)2   Chevy Heston_ Cold Body...(pc)2
China Drum (MAC)2   China Drum (PC)2   Chris Isaak_Only the Lonely (pc)2
Chris Whitley_ Automatic (mac)2   Chris Whitley_ Automatic (pc)2   Dance Hall Crashers _Enough_3
Dance Hall Crashers _Queen_Day_2   Dave Mathews Band - Jimmy Thing3   David Bowie_ I'm Deranged (mac)2
David Bowie_ I'm Deranged (pc)2   De La Soul_ Stakes is High (mac)2   De La Soul_ Stakes is High (pc)2
Deftones_ Bored (mac)2   Deftones_ Bored (pc)2   Descendents_ I'm the One (pc)2
dEUS_ Little... (mac)2   dEUS_ Little... (pc)2   Devo_ Shout (E-Z Listening) (pc)2
Devo_Shout (E-Z Listening) (mac)2   Dick Dale_ Let's Go Trip...(mac)2   Dick Dale_ Let's Go Trip...(pc)2
Die Knodel_ Fast Food in A (mac)2   Die Knodel_ Fast Food in A (pc)2   DigitalUnderground_ OreganoFl2
DigitalUnderground_OreganoFlo2   Doug E. Fresh_ Beat 1 (MAC)2   Doug E. Fresh_ Beat 1 (PC)2
Doug E. Fresh_ Beat 2 (MAC)2   Doug E. Fresh_ Beat 2 (PC)2   Doug E. Fresh_ Beat 3 (MAC)2
Doug E. Fresh_ Beat 3 (PC)2   Doug E. Fresh_ Rap (MAC)2   Doug E. Fresh_ Rap (PC)2
Doug E. Fresh_ Rap and Beatbo3   EBN _Sexual Orientation_ (MAC)2   EBN _Sexual Orientation_ (PC)2
Editors_ Morning Glory (mac)2   Editors_ Morning Glory (pc)2   Eggman_ That's That...(mac)2
Eggman_ That's That...(pc)2   Eleventh Dream Day_2 Smart (mac)2   Eleventh Dream Day_2 Smart (pc)2
EmmetSwimming_ Arlington(mac)2   EmmettSwimming_Arlington(pc)2   Engine 88_ Ballerina (mac)2
Engine 88_ Ballerina (pc)2   Englebert_ Lesbian Seagull (mac)2   Englebert_ Lesbian Seagull (pc)2
Esquivel_ Parade of the...(mac)2   Esquivel_ Parade of the...(pc)2   Foetus _Mortgage_ (MAC)2
Foetus _Mortgage_ (WAV)2   Foetus _Verklemmt_ (MAC)2   Foetus _Verklemmt_ (WAV)2
Foo Fighters _Big Me_ (MAC)2   Foo Fighters _Big Me_ (PC)2   Foo Fighters _I'll Stick Arou3
Foo Fighters _This Is A Call_3   FountainsofWayne_ Radiation (pc)2   FountainsofWayne_ Radiation(mac)2
FountainsofWayne_ Sink to (pc)2   FountainsofWayne_ Sink to(mac)2   Frogpond_ Talk to Me (mac)2
Frogpond_ Talk to Me (pc)2   FSOL_ We Have Ex...(mac)2   FSOL_ We Have Ex...(pc)2
Further_ Victim Rock (PC)2   Golden Palominos_ Ride (mac)2   Golden Palominos_ Ride (pc)2
Goldie_ Inner City (mac)2   Goldie_ Inner City (pc)2   Great Kat_ Dominatrix (mac)2
Great Kat_ Dominatrix (pc)2   Guitar Wolf_ Missile Me (mac)2   Guitar Wolf_ Missile Me (pc)2
Hayden_ _Skates_(mac)2   Hayden_ _Skates_(pc)2   Hayden_ Bad As They Seem (mac)2
Hayden_ Bad As They Seem (pc)2   Heatmiser_ Low-Flying Jets (mac)2   Heatmiser_ Low-Flying Jets (pc)2
HELMET _Milquetoast_ (MAC)2   HELMET _Milquetoast_ (WAV)2   Helmet_ Birth Defect (mac)2
Helmet_ Birth Defect (pc)2   Henry Rollins_ Spoken Words(mac)2   Holiday_ So Ordinary (mac)2
Holiday_ So Ordinary (pc)2   Huun-Huur-Tu_Khoomei (Mac)2   Huun-Huur-Tu_Khoomei (pc)2
Ice Cube says Hell No! (mac)2   Ice Cube says Hell No! (pc)2   Iggy Pop_ Lust For Life (mac)2
Iggy Pop_ Lust For Life (pc)2   James Taylor Qtet_ Mission..(pc)2   Jawbreaker _Fireman_ (MAC)2
Jawbreaker _Fireman_ (PC)2   Jimmy Buffett_ Ho Ho Ho (mac)2   Jimmy Buffett_ Ho Ho Ho (pc)2
John Strohm_SomeoneBesides (pc)2   JosephineWiggs_Head to Toe (pc)2   JZ Barrell_ Mr. Softy (mac)2
JZ Barrell_ Mr. Softy (pc)2   Korn_ Lowrider (mac)2   Korn_ Lowrider (pc)2
Kristen Barry_ Gotta Go (pc)2   Kula Shaker_ Tattva (mac)2   Kula Shaker_ Tattva (pc)2
Labradford_ The Cipher (pc)2   Lambchop_ Doak's Need (mac)2   Lambchop_ Doak's Need (pc)2
Lambert_ Cloudburst (mac)2   Lambert_ Cloudburst (pc)2   Lazer Boy_ You'll Never No (pc)2
Le Tone_ Bomb de Bretagne (pc)2   Lefty Frizzell_ Always... (mac)2   Lefty Frizzell_ Always... (pc)2
Lemonheads_ If I Could...(mac)2   Lemonheads_ If I Could...(pc)2   Lemonheads_Purple Para...(mac)2
Lemonheads_Purple Para...(pc)2   Linda Perry_ Knock Me Out (mac)2   Linda Perry_ Knock Me Out (pc)2
Live _I Alone_ (MAC)2   Live _Lightning Crashes_ (MAC)2   Live _Lightning Crashes_ (PC)2
LL Cool J_ Mama Said Knock (mac)2   LL Cool J_ Mama Said Knock (pc)2   Lois_ Rougher (mac)2
Lois_ Rougher (pc)2   Long Fin Killie_ Godiva (pc)2   Los Del Mar_ Macarena (mac)2
Los Del Mar_ Macarena (pc)2   Love 666_ D.S.A. (mac)2   Love 666_ D.S.A. (pc)2
Luke_ Work It Baby (mac)2   Luke_ Work It Baby (pc)2   Luscious Jackson_ Why Do I (mac)2
Luscious Jackson_ Why Do I (pc)2   Luscious Jackson_Why Do I (mac)2   Luscious Jackson_Why Do I (pc)2
Lutefisk_ Scorching...(PC)2   M. Manson_ A.C. Superstar (mac)2   M. Manson_ A.C. Superstar (pc)2
M. Manson_ Beautiful Ppl (pc)2   M.Watt _Chinese Firedrill_(MAC)2   M.Watt _Chinese Firedrill_(PC)2
Maids of Gravity_ Light...(pc)2   Makaveli_ Bomb First (mac)2   Makaveli_ Bomb First (pc)2
Manowar_ Gods Made...(mac)2   Manowar_ Gods Made...(pc)2   Marianne Faithfull_Falling (pc)2
MarilynManson_Dance of...(mac)2   MarilynManson_Dance of...(pc)2   Meat Beat Man_ We Done... (mac)2
Meat Beat Man_ We Done... (pc)2   Merry Xmas from David Yow (mac)2   Merry Xmas From David Yow (pc)2
Microstoria_ bpi (pc)2   Mike Watt, _Big Train_ (PC)2   MMB_ Lets Face It (mac)2
MMB_ Lets Face It (pc)2   Money Mark_ Cry (mac)2   Money Mark_ Cry (pc)2
Motorbass_ Neptune (pc)2   Mychael Danna_ Aphrodisiac (mac)2   Mychael Danna_ Aphrodisiac (pc)2
Nas_ If I ruled the world (pc)2   Nas_If I ruled the world (mac)2   Nearly God_ Poems (mac)2
Nearly God_ Poems (PC)2   NIN_ The Perfect Drug (mac)2   NIN_ The Perfect Drug (pc)2
Nipper!_ Water Buffalo (mac)2   Nipper!_ Water Buffalo (pc)2   Nirvana_ Aneurysm (mac)2
Nirvana_ Aneurysm (pc)2   OliviaTremorControl_Jumping(mac)2   OliviaTremorControl_Jumping(pc)2
Orb_ Delta MK II (MAC)2   Orb_ Delta MK II (PC)2   Orbital _I Wish I Had Duck Feet_2
Orbital_ The Box (mac)2   Orbital_ The Box (pc)2   P. O Riada_ Trathann...(pc)2
Pavement_ Shady Lane (mac)2   Pavement_ Shady Lane (pc)2   PC-Throneberry _Strobe Flume_2
Pearl Jam_ Lukin' (mac)2   Pearl Jam_ Lukin' (pc)2   Pearl Jam_ Not For You (mac)2
Pearl Jam_ Not For You (pc)2   PermissionToBreathe_ Money (pc)2   Pet_ Secret Motor (pc)2
Phoids_ Great Amer... (mac)2   Phoids_ Great Amer... (pc)2   Pig_ Painiac (mac)2
Pig_ Painiac (pc)2   Poi Dog Pondering_ Plate...(mac)2   Poi Dog Pondering_ Platet...(pc)2
Poster Children _Get a Life_2   Pres of USA_ Ladies & Gent (mac)2   Pres of USA_ Ladies & Gent (pc)2
Pres of USA_ Mach 5 (mac)2   Pres of USA_ Mach 5 (pc)2   Puff Daddy_ Can't Nobody (mac)2
Puff Daddy_ Can't Nobody (pc)2   Pulsars_ Silicon Teens (pc)2   Push Kings_ Florida (mac)2
Push Kings_ Florida (pc)2   Qkumba Zoo_ Child (Inside) (pc)2   Quad City DJ's_ Space Jam (mac)2
Quad City DJ's_ Space Jam (pc)2   R. Hitchcock_ I Something (live)2   R.E.M._ E-Bow The Letter (mac)2
RageAgainstTheMach_Bulls(mac)2   RageAgainstTheMach_Bulls(pc)2   Rees Shad_ Hero's Son (pc)2
Republica_ Ready To Go (mac)2   Republica_ Ready To Go (pc)2   Richard Thompson_ She Cut...(pc)2
Robyn Hitchcock_ I Some...(mac)2   Robyn Hitchcock_ I Some...(pc)2   Rocket From the Crypt_ A+ (mac)2
Rocket From the Crypt_ A+ (pc)2   Rollerskate Skinny_ Cradle (pc)2   Roomful of Blues_ White X (mac)2
Roomful of Blues_ White X (pc)2   Royal Trux_ Sweet Sixteen (pc)2   Sammy Davis Jr_ I Gotta Be (mac)2
Sammy Davis Jr_ I Gotta Be (pc)2   Saturnine_ Elora (pc)2   Scenic_ Angelica (pc)2
Sea & Cake_ Ravine (pc)2   Sense Field_ Fiesta (pc)2   Silver Jews_ Frontier Index (2
Silver Jews_ Frontier Index (pc)2   Silverchair_ Abuse Me (mac)2   silverchair_ Abuse Me (pc)2
Skyscraper_ One-Never (mac)2   Skyscraper_ One-Never (pc)2   Slayer_ Filler (mac)2
Slayer_ Filler (pc)2   Sleater-Kinney_ More Than...(pc)2   Sleater-Kinney_More Than...(mac)2
Sloan_ Anyone Who's...(mac)2   Sloan_ Anyone Who's...(pc)2   Snoop_ Snoop's Upside...(mac)2
Snoop_ Snoop's Upside...(pc)2   Soul Coughing_ Unmarked H...(pc)2   Soul Coughing_Unmarked H...(mac)2
Soundgarden _Burden_2   Spearhead_ Africa On Line (mac)2   Spearhead_ Africa On Line (pc)2
Spent_ Umbrella Wars (pc)2   Squirrel Nut Zippers_ Hell (mac)2   Squirrel Nut Zippers_ Hell (pc)2
Star Wars_ Cantina Band (mac)2   Star Wars_ Cantina Band (pc)2   STP_ Art School Girl (mac)2
STP_ Art School Girl (pc)2   Superchunk - (MAC) _The First Pa2   Superchunk - (MAC) _Why Do You H2
Superdrag_ _Sucked Out_(mac)2   Superdrag_ _Sucked Out_(pc)2   System 7_ Interstate (mac)2
System 7_ Interstate (pc)2   The Cardigans_ Lovefool (mac)2   The Cardigans_ Lovefool (pc)2
The GoGo's (MAC)2   The Jesus Lizard_ Blue Shot(mac)2   The Jesus Lizard_ Blue Shot(PC)2
The Knobs_ Going Somewhere (pc)2   The Knobs_ Going Somewhere(mac)2   The Melvins (MAC)2
The Pharcyde_ Drop (mac)2   The Pharcyde_ Drop (pc)2   The Rutles_ Rendezvous (mac)2
The Rutles_ Rendezvous (pc)2   The Rutles_ Shangri-La (mac)2   The Rutles_ Shangri-La (pc)2
Tiny Tim_ True Love (pc)2   TMBG_ Nothings Gonna...(mac)2   TMBG_ Nothings Gonna...(pc)2
TMBG_ Till My Head Falls (mac)2   TMBG_ Till My Head Falls (pc)2   Tracy Bonham_ Brain Crack (mac)2
Tracy Bonham_ Brain Crack (pc)2   Trent Reznor_ Making Music (mac)2   Trent Reznor_ Making Music (pc)2
TribeCalledQuest_1nce Again (2   TribeCalledQuest_1nce Again (pc)2   Tricky_ Christiansands (mac)2
Tricky_ Christiansands (pc)2   U2_ Discotheque (mac)2   U2_ Discotheque (pc)2
Veruca Salt_ Volcano Girls (mac)2   Veruca Salt_ Volcano Girls (pc)2   Vic Chesnutt_ Satisfaction (pc)2
Wedding Present_ 2. 3. Go (mac)2   Wedding Present_ 2. 3. Go (pc)2   Wedding Present_ Drive (mac)2
Wedding Present_ Drive (pc)2   White Zombie_ Grease...(mac)2   White Zombie_ Grease...(pc)2
Zoe_ Hammer (pc)2

Text (1)
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url.txt Text File 1 15b 2014-09-23