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Name# Files   Name# Files   Name# Files
1000 POINTS of LIGHT Startup SND2   Alex Haig In Control FSSD2   All Men Are Created Equal! SND2
Apollo 11 _For All Mankind_ SND2   April 15 Tax Time SND2   Bentsen on Quayle. SND2
Bill Clinton - I was amazed SND2   Bill Clinton - Not very happy SN2   Bill Clinton - Raise Taxes SND2
Bill Clinton - The Economy SND2   Bill Clinton - The Facts 98% SND2   Bill Clinton - What about me SND2
Bill Clinton Error Beep SND2   Bill Clinton SND2   Bill Clinton SND_FSSD2
Bill Clinton_ _Our Real Sloga2   Bill Clinton_ Man of Action! SND2   Bill Clinton's Confession SND2
Bill Gates's BullDoze 95!!! SND2   BillClinton&GenniferFlowers SND2   BillClintonDeniesGenniferFlowers2
Bob Dole - Welcome 2 Mac! SND2   Bob Dole '96 RESTART Sound! SND2   Bob Dole '96 Startup SND2
Bob Dole Shutdown SND2   Bob Dole_ _Energizer Bunny_ SND2   Bob Dole_ _Inarticulate_ SND2
Bob Dole_ _Time to tell the t2   Bush _Nothing Against U2_ SND2   Bush quote_It's Clearer to me no2
Bush_ be quiet AIFF2   CLASSIC! Boris Yeltsin-_NYET!!_2   Clinton as Car Salesman SND2
Clinton Drug Policy SND2   Clinton Likes Pot SND2   Clinton Luvs Perot SND2
Clinton on taxes SND2   Clinton_ Nothing Funny! SND2   Clinton_ SURE I'd inhale! (sh2
Clinton_Time...up SND2   ClintonAdmitsNotPerfect SND2   Dan Quayle SND2
Dole_ NEVER Get Discouraged! SND2   DUMB and DEMOCRAT SND2   Eagle has landed SND3
Einstein_ E=MC2 SND2   Faulkner__Man will prevail_ SND2   Funny Clinton Budget SND2
George Bush _Rock Group U2_ SND2   George Bush SND2   George Bush Sound2
George Bush--_Read my lips_ SND2   Ginsberg _Freakout Scene' snd2   Great Reagan Startup SND2
Harvey Milk on Gay Activism2   Hillary - WHATEVER it takes! SND2   HILLARY Does HOUSEWORK! SND2
Hillary's Beep SND2   I didn't inhale.FSSD2   INFAMY (December 7, 1941) SND2
Jack Kemp - Welcome 2 Mac! SND2   JFK - Ask Not...SND2   JFK - I dream things SND2
John lennon Interview SND2   King_ _I Have a Dream_ SND2   Lee Harvey Oswald_ _Patsy_ SND2
Leftist Bush Quotes (Edited) SND2   Martin Luther King Snd3   Neil Armstrong on Moon SND2
Newt Gingrich Renew America2   Nixon _I'm a crook_ SND2   Nixon crook SND2
Nixon I am not a crook SND2   O.J. Guilty Verdict2   OJ-Guilty__!!!! snd2
Perot - _I Am Not A Rabbit_ SND2   Perot SND2   Political Perot SND2
President Bush getting Mad SND2   Read My Lips2   Reagan - Meetings SND2
Reagan - Oh dear SND2   Reagan -Don't Recall2   Reagan Don't Need No Roads SND2
Reagan Startup SND3   Reagan Startup SND #22   REAGAN the TERMINATOR II SND2
Reagan_Make Deals SND2   Reagan's Falsehoods AIFF2   Revised Clinton _ Marajuana FSSD2
Ronald Reagan RESTART SND2   Ronald REAGAN System Alert! SND2   Ronald Reagan_ _Age not an is2
Ronald Reagan_ _Let's Get Starte2   Ronald Reagan_ _Line-item vet2   RonaldReagan_NoCompromise SND2
RonaldReagan_WeAreAmericans SND2   Sinead O'Connor SND2   SND_ Clinton_ Listen To Me2
Stockdale _Who am I__ SND2   Ted Kennedy Tonguetwisted SND2   Tricky Dick Nixon SND2
What is Compassion_ SND2   White House WWW Greeting Soun2   WoaMomma,StayUp!Clinton SND2
world war I propaganda SND2

Text (1)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
url.txt Text File 1 16b 2014-12-23