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/ Mac Power 1997 October / MACPOWER-1997-10.ISO.7z / MACPOWER-1997-10.ISO / AMUG / FONT / OregonDin3-tt.sit / OregonDin3.Truetype

Archives (3)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
Icon↵.rsrc MacOS Resource Fork 6 3KB 1997-06-30
OregonDin3TT.suit.rsrc MacOS Resource Fork 4 37KB 1997-07-01
Read To Own OrDinBats3.Simptext.rsrc MacOS Resource Fork 1 634b 1997-07-01

Text (1)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
Read To Own OrDinBats3.Simptext Text File 59 3KB 1997-07-01