Project UFO
Project UFO (Disk 4 of 6).adf
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Feb.26,1941: A strange light resembling a long comet with stars
at the end of it passed across the sky at 9 pm and disappeared
into the south.
Aug.10, 1950: At Wolfe Island, near Kingston, strange patterns of
lights travelled in a half-mile wide circle in the eastern night
sky. Sometimes only one patch of light was visible, sometimes two
and occasionally three. They rotated clockwise at varying speeds and
changed places without a discernable pattern, completing an orbit in
an average of 8 to 9 seconds. Occasionally, one light remained
stationary while the others continued revolving. As they passed
over the St. Lawrence River, they were clearly reflected in the water
Jan.21,1973: In the evening, a glowing object, looking like a "fire
from a roman candle", was seen flying about 1500 feet above the city.
It seemed to get bigger, then smaller and was dropping illuminated
particles. Then, it shrivelled up and died. The sighting lasted
about 90 seconds.
Jan.22,1978: In the early morning, a mysterious object looking like
two triangles fitted together base-to-base hovered over the Kingston
Sewage Plant on Hwy 2 E, just east of the city and came within 500
feet of the plant. After being in view for approx. 90 seconds, it
shot up into the sky at a 45 degree angle and disappeared at a high
rate of speed.
Feb.,1978: An object with four round lights, one green, one red, the
other two white and all flashing, flew over the city's west end.
Nov.,1978: A flying object shaped like a circle with something
sticking out of its' sides hovered over some bush near HWY 2 W,
between Odessa and Napanee, near Kingston.
Apr.,1980: An object with red and blue flames coming from it sped
over Kingston towards Lake Ontario where it then made a quick arc in
the sky and headed back over the city before disappearing into the
Jul.8,1986: Two bright objects, orange in colour and diamond shaped
appeared over the north end of Kingston around 930 pm. Then at 1130
pm,a strange green light or flash was seen in the sky.
Jul.9,1986: A bright orange object was seen very low on the north
horizon in Kingston. It hovered for about 5 minutes around 11pm and
was a lot bigger and brighter than the object seen the night before.
Aug.12,1986: One hundred amateur astronomers stargazzing at
Charleston Lake Provincial Park ten miles north of Gananoque and
twenty-five niles east of Kingston saw in the southeast sky a
greenish, spiralling cloud which moved slowly to the northeast. A
small star seemed to be travelling in front and the cloud slowly
dissipated like a vapour trail.