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<<UFONET I>> * 416-237-1204 * PC-Pursuitable * File Requestable * HST
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- by T. Scott Crain, Jr.
Note: The following article was submitted to the MUFON Journal for
copyrighted publication. It was written in October/89.
by T. Scott Crain, Jr.
During the past decade or so, evidence has been stacking up
that the U.S. Government has involved itself in retrieving crashed
UFOs and their occupants. A major outlet for these types of cases
were first reported in the summer of 1978, when Ohio researcher
Leonard H. Stringfield, presented 17 abstracts reviewing 'Retrievals
the Third Kind,' cases of alleged UFOs and occupants in military
custody, at the Mutual UFO Network's annual symposium held in Dayton,
Ohio that year. Critic's of Stringfield's paper argued that because
his informants wished to remain anonymous, it was virtually impossible
to verify the claims. He continued his quest for more details on the
UFO crash retrieval question, and published subsequent updates in 1980
and 1982. But spectacular claims require extraordinary evidence, and
Stringfield's anecdotal evidence was insufficient to prove the case.
In 1980, noted linguist Charles Berlitz and UFO investigator
William L. Moore released the book, 'The Roswell Incident' that describes
how the military intervened and kept secret from the American public the
recovery of a crashed UFO and occupants outside Roswell, New Mexico in
1947. The case was recently reexamined on the September 20, 1989
episode of NBC-TV's 'Unsolved Mysteries,' which highlighted several
witnesses to the investigation and one informant. The informant, Sappho
Henderson of West Hills, California, told how her late husband, Captain
Oliver Wendell Henderson, was the pilot who flew the saucer wreckage in
an Air Force plane to a base in Dayton, Ohio. Walter G. Haut, who was
a public-relations officer at Roswell Army Air Force base in July, 1947,
was also on the show, and verified that wreckage from a flying saucer
was recovered by the Air Force.
In September, 1989, UFO researcher Jerome Clark indicates that
at least three dozen new informants have been interviewed, and that the
"Roswell incident is surrendering more and more of its secrets, including
the biggest ones." Investigators for the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO
Studies are making some interesting discoveries, and hopefully a report
of their findings will be released in the near future.
Support that a UFO did crash near Roswell was bolstered up again
in 1987, when English writer Timothy Good published for the first time
alleged official U.S. Government documents outlining how twelve men
working for the U.S. Government orchestrated the recovery and evaluation
of a crashed disc that was removed from Roswell, New Mexico, in July,
1947. A similar release of this so called 'Briefing Document: Operation
Majestic 12' occurred several weeks later in the USA by the research
team of William L. Moore, Jaime H. Shandera and Stanton T. Friedman.
According to the documents, MJ-12 was a group of distinguished
scientists, military and intelligence officials, established by President
Harry Truman to control the recovery of UFOs. Newspapers around the
globe reported the allegations that the United States Government covered
up a UFO crash landing, and recovered it's occupants. But no official
spokesman would confirm that any of this was true. How does one prove
MJ-12 exist and the documents are real?
Canadian UFO researcher and nuclear physicist Stanton Friedman,
was awarded a $16,000. grant by the Fund for UFO Research to answer
that question, and he has generated a great deal of information to
support the validity of the documents. Unfortunately for Friedman, and
the rest of the research community, all the original designated MJ-12
members are dead, so any confirmation must come from second hand
information or locating other supporting documents to prove the case.
A progress report of his investigation was made at the 1989 Mutual UFO
Network symposium, held in Las Vegas, Nevada. Friedman reported there
is "...no indication that the documents are fradulent and a host of small
details which tend towards legitimacy for MJ-12."
Working on the assumption that the Majestic-12 documents are
possibly authentic, Canadian UFO researcher Grant Cameron and I found an
anchor in which to conduct our own investigation. We decided to pursue
people, not documents. Since the Briefing Document clearly states the
project is a "TOP SECRET Research and Development Intelligence operation..."
responsible to the President of the United States, Cameron and I went
fishing for former members of the R&D Board who were active during the
late 1940's and early 1950's. Someone out there had to have knowledge
of a project of this magnitude.
During our hunt, we discovered another researcher who had been
doing a similar check, William Steinman in California. Steinman, author
of the book, 'UFO Crash at Aztec,' had been corresponding with Fred Darwin,
the former Executive Director of the Guided Missile Committee for the
Department of Defense's R & D Board from 1949 to 1954. Steiman asked
Darwin who would be likely candidates for a flying saucer recovery
operation, if there ever were such a project. His reply is extraordinary,
considering he named these people in 1984, three years before the
Majestic-12 documents were made public. Darwin listed the following
1.) Dr. Vannevar Bush
2.) Dr. Karl T. Compton
3.) Dr. Lloyd Berkner
4.) Dr. Robert F. Rinehart
5.) Dr. Eric A. Walker
6.) Dr. John Von Neumann
Bush and Berkner both appeared on the Majestic-12 list in 1987.
One name that came up that we found interesting was Dr. Eric Walker,
former President of the Pennsylvannia State University.
The fact that Walker may be involved originated with American
physicist Dr. Robert I. Sarbacher. In the 1950s, Sarbacher was serving
as a consultant for the military's R & D Board and was a member of the
Guidance & Control panel.
In a September 15, 1950, interview with Canadian scientist
Wilbert B. Smith, Sarbacher told Smith flying saucers exist, we have
not been able to duplicate their performance, and the subject of flying
saucers is classified two points higher than the H-bomb. When the
contents of this 1950 interview was made public through one of Leonard
STATUS REPORT III' in 1982, Steinman managed to find Sarbacher in Palm
Beach, Florida, and wrote him for more information.
In a letter to Steinman dated November 23, 1983, Sarbacher
confirmed he was "...invited to participate in several discussions
associated with the reported recoveries..." (of UFOs) but that he was
unable to attend the meetings. Sarbacher stated that U.S. laboratories
analyzed that material that reportedly came from these flying saucer
crashes and that the hardware was "...extrememly light and very tough."
Sarbacher described the beings that controlled the flying saucer to
Steinman. He states:
"There were reports that instruments or people
operating these machines were also of very
light weight, sufficient to withstand the
tremendous deceleration and acceleration
associated with their machinery. I remember
in talking with some of the people at the
office that I got the impression these "aliens"
were constructed like certain insects we have
observed on earth, wherein because of the mass
the inertial forces involved in operation of
these instruments would be quite low."
In an October 1985 issue of the Flying Saucer Review, editor
Gordon Creighton gave further details about Sarbacher's involvement
in his article 'TOP U.S. SCIENTIST ADMITS CRASHED UFOs.' Creighton
writes that although Sarbacher didn't attend, the meetings about the
recoveries were held at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton,
Ohio, where officials were to report their findings to scientists
connected to the Defence Department's Joint Research and Development
During a telephone interview between researcher Stanton Friedman
and Robert Sarbacher, he asked Sarbacher if he could recall anyone who
attended those meetings. Although he could not recall his name, he
named enough clues to Friedman, that when William Steinman reviewed the
conversation, all the evidence led to Dr. Eric A. Walker. In the early
1950's, Walker was serving as Executive Secretary of the Research and
Development Board, and would have been a logical candidate to be asked
to attend UFO retrieval meetings, if they were held. In a letter to
Grant Cameron, Steinman said that when he made the discovery, he
telephoned Sarbacher and asked him if Dr. Eric Walker was the individual
he was trying to remember. Sarbacher's response, according to Steinman,
was Walker was the man who attended all those meetings at Wright-Patterson
Air Force Base.
If the evidence we have gathered is true, we now have identified a
scientist who was in a position to confirm or deny the U.S. Government's
crash retrieval program. Steinman states he telephoned Walker on August
30, 1987. According to Steinman's "word for word" telephone transcript
of the interview, Dr. Eric A. Walker confirmed attending these meetings
at Wright-Patterson AFB regarding the "military recovery of flying
saucers, and the bodies of the occupants." According to Steinman,
Walker acknowledged that he knew of MJ-12 and was familiar with them
since 1947. In the interview, Walker tells Steinman to "leave it alone,"
that he is "delving into a area that you do absolutely nothing about."
Steinman responds that the people have the right to know the truth,
and that he is "...not going to drop it."
Steinman has been investigating Walker since 1984, and received
several letters from Walker, one of which discusses a downed saucer.
Crain and Cameron teamed up in the fall of 1987, to learn as much as
we could about Walker's involvement, before releasing his name to
the public.
Although Dr. Walker is being less responsive these days regarding
inquiries into his past involvement with UFOs, Cameron and I believe we
have gathered enough background material on Dr. Walker to show he was
in the right place at the right time to know if the United States has
a crashed UFO in military custody. A report of our findings have been
assembled in a book, 'UFOs, MJ-12 AND THE GOVERNMENT,' which we hope to
release in the near future.
================================= EOF =======================================
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