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Text File  |  1985-12-22  |  4KB  |  60 lines

  2.                                   |
  3.          A3                      1|                  JRSASI
  4. [A8]  >---------------------------|      Turning Point Logic Corporation
  5.          A4                      2|              Copyright 1985
  6. [A9]  >---------------------------|
  7.          A5                      3|      This schematic is for a SASI Hard
  8. [B9]  >---------------------------|      Disk Interface for the IBM PCjr.
  9.          A6                      4|
  10. [B10] >---------------------------|
  11.          A7                      5|
  12. [A11] >---------------------------|______________
  13.          A8                      6|              \
  14. [B11] >---------------------------|               \
  15.          A9                      7|                \
  16. [A12] >---------------------------|       U11       \
  17.          A10                    10|                 | 9
  18. [A13] >---------------------------|       133       |o----.
  19.          A11                    11|                 |     |
  20. [B13] >---------------------------|                 /     |
  21.          A12                    12|                /      |
  22. [B14] >---------------------------|               /       |
  23.          A13                    13|______________/        |
  24. [A15] >---------------------------|                       |
  25.                                   |                       |
  26.          A14     1|\ 2          14|         .-------------'
  27. [A16] >-----------| >o------------|         |         _______
  28.               U6a |/ (04)         |         |       1|  U3a  \
  29.                                   |         *-------o|        \ 3  -DBEN
  30.                                   |         |        |   32   |o-------- sh 2
  31.          A15     3|\ 4          15|         |   .---o|        /
  32. [B16] >-----------| >o------------|         |   |   2|_______/
  33.               U6b |/ (04)         |         |   |
  34.                                             |   |
  35.                             .---------------|---'
  36.                             |               |
  37.                             |  .------------'
  38.                             |  |    ________________ 
  39.          A0                 |  |  1|                | 15
  40. [B6]  >---------------------|--|---| A          /Y0 |o---
  41.          A1                 |  |  2|                | 14
  42. [A7]  >---------------------|--|---| B          /Y1 |o---
  43.          A2                 |  |  3|                | 13          -SRST
  44. [B7]  >---------------------|--|---| C          /Y2 |o------------------ sh 3
  45.                             |  |   |       U7       | 12          -SSEL
  46.                             |  |   |            /Y3 |o------------------ sh 3
  47.                             |  |  4|       138      | 11          -SWRT
  48.                 ______      |  `--o| /G1        /Y4 |o------------------ sh 3
  49.         -IOW   4\ U1b \     |      |                | 10          -SRD
  50. [A21] >---------o\     \ 6  |     5|            /Y5 |o------------------ sh 2,3
  51.         -IOR     |  08 |o---*-----o| /G2            | 9           -STAT
  52. [A20] >----*----o/     /           |            /Y6 |o------------------ sh 2
  53.            |   5/_____/           6|                | 7
  54.            |                .-----o| G          /Y7 |o---
  55.            `-------------.  |      |________________|
  56.                          |  |                                     DBDIR
  57.         -CDSEL 5|\ 6     `--|------------------------------------------- sh 2
  58. [B27] >---------| >o--------'
  59.             U6c |/ (04)                   12/19/85        Sheet 1 of 4