load & run
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Commodore BASIC
58 lines
100 rem save"0:load & run",8
110 rem ** rte/87
120 rem ** a load and run introduction
130 rem ** for all commodore machines.
140 :
150 dv=8: rem disk device #
160 pd=4: rem printer device #
170 cls$=chr$(147): txt$=chr$(14)
180 print cls$;txt$;
190 print "[212]ransactor [208]ublishing [201]nc."
200 print "85 [215]est [215]ilmot [211]treet, #10"
210 print "[210]ichmond [200]ill, [207]ntario"
220 print "[195][193][206][193][196][193] [204]4[194] 1[203]7"
230 print "telephone (416) 764-5273"
240 print
250 print "[201]nsert your favourite boot"
260 print "program here."
270 print
280 input "[214]iew [196]irectory (y/n) ";vd$
290 if vd$="n" then 400
300 if vd$<>"y" then 280
310 :
320 open 8,dv,0,"$0"
330 get#8,a$,a$: rem trash bytes
340 get#8,a$,a$,a$,a1$: if st then close8: goto 400
350 print asc(a$+chr$(0))+256*asc(a1$+chr$(0));
360 get#8,a$: if a$<>"" then print a$;: goto 360
370 print: goto 340
380 :
390 rem ** more info **
400 print
410 print "[215]ould you like to know more"
420 input "about [212]ransactor [205]agazine (y/n) ";yn$
430 if yn$="n" then 500
440 if yn$<>"y" then 400
450 :
460 open 8,dv,8,"0:[210][213][206] [205][197] [212][197][216][212]"
470 for x=0 to 1: input#8,a$: print a$: x=st: next: close8
480 :
490 rem ** sub form **
500 print
510 print "[215]ould you like to print out"
520 input "a subscription form (y/n) ";yn$
530 if yn$="n" then 630
540 if yn$<>"y" then 500
550 :
560 print "* [210]eady [208]rinter & [208]ress [193] [203]ey *"
570 get a$: if a$="" then 570
580 open 4,pd: rem pd=printer device #
590 open 8,dv,8,"0:[210][213][206] [205][197] [198][207][210][205]"
600 for x=0 to 1: input#8,a$: x=st: print#4,a$: next: close8: close4
610 :
620 rem ** bye **
630 print cls$
640 print "[212]hank you for supporting"
650 print "[212]ransactor [205]agazine"
660 end