Publication 4
interview .txt
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....diesmal mit shark/ex-dsi
nein{CBM--}berti brecht konnte ich nicht f]r
ein interview gewinnen{CBM--}daf]r aber
einen alten freund aus meiner zeit bei
DSI (DSI ist mangels members (von 12
auf 3 geschrumpft) eingegangen !) {SHIFT-+}
da SHARK in sussex lebt{CBM--}ist das inter-
view in englisch.hope ya won't be in
trouble 'bout that !
*+ hy shark ! give us some per-
.- sonalities first{CBM--}pleaz !
!# well{CBM--}i'm SHARK{CBM--}ex-member of DSI
$% (dead).my real name is jonathan
corwy and i'm livin' in beamyh/sussex.
this time i'm 21 years old{CBM--}just got
the lamy-university-exam (LAMY - not
LAME !).
during my DSI-time i was responsible
for coding in basic'n'assembler{CBM--}so
these are the things i'm good at !!!
i've quit the scene 'bout half a year
ago{CBM--}'cause i was fed up of all that
f#!' asscrawlers the english scene is
full of ! i only kept on writing to
two of my contax {SHIFT-+} VESTA and you{CBM--}ZEIT-
*+ hang all the asscralers who made
.- ya quit the scene.but what kind
of vision do you have 'bout the {CBM-Y}{CBM-U}{CBM-O}-
scene at all ?
!# there's a lot of trouble to over-
$% come....too many f#!' lamers in
the scenes all over this planet.but
ya ain't know how lucky you are down
on da continent - here in the uk 70%
of the so-called 'sceners' are nothin'
but lamers.someone in the 'rockford-
mag' you've send me said{CBM--}all that guys
had a sexual problem - think he's
right - in his whole polemic way !!!
*+ you said we ain't know how lucky
.- we are in germany.do ya really
think the german scene is something
better than the english ?{CBM-M}?
!# i wouldn't say the scene is better
$% but as far as i know german
sceners (and i had 'bout 10 contax in
allemanga) i would say they're not
such superstitious as the english !
don't missunderstand me{CBM--}i don't say
your scene is worth more than the our{CBM--}
but i'm missing some kind of togh-
etherness and friendship here !
*+ well{CBM--}don't think our scene is
.- lamer-free ! one of your contax
(me) is one of the greatest lames all
over this planet.but thank ya for
this lovely li'lle sermon.hope you
will return someday...