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Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  1998-01-01  |  177KB  |  766x544  |  16-bit (661 colors)
Labels: reckoner | sky | trade name | windowpane
OCR: EDITORIAL Hello and welzoMe to the issue of our SEETE NEWS PRE TP had to with the loss of HOST EUTOUS T decidea his SEETE thee OE the HeHs DTASS teaM. hat Secious Setk hae one job with the EOUESE oule tiHe the Insteaa aeeepted do the OTE SSUE 18 Skid ROw Aloha Flah ana thus the NeHs Pres ICOM the on. The aood tha we are proud t0 pres fent YOU buneh staft AnOnVM adua the oraaniz His Hebsite Goin H PAGE 1or 12 EDITORIOL Heleove eight eenth azine HELE Hith Toss scene white done tith ould UnAUS aaiine atone Skia Alpha Flight join fCoM present bunzh HeHber AnOnYM joined anizer Website IPAGE 0F12 Falm