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/ Econovan 1 / screenshot_42.jpg < prev    next >
Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  1989-01-01  |  170KB  |  766x544  |  16-bit (7,700 colors)
Labels: bulletin board | clock | road | sky | trade name
OCR: tough MO ther tuc kers WT estle and we send non one fTee ever SSUE OF Econov an P0S TNE T UOU te 11 UET be hate 69 UOU agai ME Mb that AUS TT al NOT aMe better n0t act an asshole and start naMing the best group SOMe AT CoMMands non Should know ATZ Reset MO deM uul SC ap to oMMand Mode ATA 02 TT AnS WET ATD ial nuMb ET shoul