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/ Domination 17 / Domination_17_2002-11_-_Side_A_Bonus_Disk_screenshot.gif < prev    next >
Graphics Interchange Format  |  2002-01-01  |  2MB  |  541x384  |  8-bit (256 colors)  |  animated
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OCR: Dees there exist nohier inspir ation than the desire TO be free? iS by his freedon that Man KOOHS hinsetf his sover reientu over his onn tife that nan neasures hinsetf. To violate that freedon, TO flout that sovereignty, is te denu Han the fieht te tive his tife to take responsibitity for hiMsetf with dignity. Political VieHS on the Palestinian and Israel conftict by Jazzcat/Onsiaught. nobter desir eignty deny Hith UieHS conflict aught