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Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  1994-01-01  |  104KB  |  766x544  |  8-bit (137 colors)
Labels: bulletin board | daily | monitor | person | sky | stairs | trade name
OCR: CEanait Progr ammed 6q Radek Rabbi Andrze Jjewicz Fon 6q Radek Rabbi Hn urze Jewicz Graphic Konr dic S7Um qh resePwed Copyright by Rabbi of ledivm. Relase date: 1994 Unauthorized using orfand dupLication of this programm violation of the appublicate Laws and is subject for court prosecution 10.. 1994 Stupca Poland. MECIUTI Dabbi amnea Fonts aphic Konrad Condic zynanski PPWPG Hedivm ITIET