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OS/2 REXX Batch file  |  1996-02-27  |  6KB  |  201 lines

  1. @ -----------------------------------------------------------------
  2. @ Sample of keywords file for the keywords hiliting feature of EPM
  3. @ -----------------------------------------------------------------
  4. @  This file is used by EPM to figure out which keywords to hilite
  5. @  See EPMKWDS.C for additional documentation.
  6. @
  7. @ This file is a subset of the EPMKWDS.CMD provided by Richard Moore
  8. @ and Neil Suffiel.  The TSO Rexx functions were deleted.  Their
  9. @ package also adds support for toggling the color support from the
  10. @ toolbar.  A copy of their package may be obtained (by IBM internal
  11. @ users) by executing the VM command:
  12. @    REQUEST RxColor from 86664603 at HONE
  13. @ or
  14. @    REQUEST RxColor from 86693454 at EHONE
  15. @ -----------------------------------------------------------------
  16. @
  17. @  The background and foreground colors are values between 0 and 15
  18. @  (see the EPM doc). If a value of -1 is given then the default
  19. @  foreground or background color is used.
  20. @
  21. @ -----------------------------------------------------------------
  22. @ Actual description of the keywords
  23. @ -----------------------------------------------------------------
  24. @
  25. @DELIM
  26. @
  27. @ Start   Color Color  End     Escape
  28. @ string  bg    fg     string  character
  29.   /*      14     0     */
  30. @ (       -1    10     )
  31.   "       -1     2     "
  32.   '       -1     2     '
  33. @
  34. @SPECIAL
  35. @
  36. ( -1 12
  37. ) -1 12
  38. ; -1 12
  39. : -1 12
  40. " -1 12
  41. ' -1 12
  42. , -1 12
  43. = -1 12
  44. - -1 12
  45. + -1 12
  46. \ -1 12
  47. / -1 12
  48. * -1 12
  49. ¬ -1 12
  50. < -1 12
  51. > -1 12
  52. % -1 12
  53. | -1 12
  54. ▌ -1 12
  55. & -1 12
  56. @ -1 12
  57. @
  58. @CHARSET
  59. @
  60. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_!?ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789
  61. @
  63. @
  64. @ -------------------OS2 REXX Utility Functions
  65. RxMessageBox              -1  13
  66. RxFuncAdd                 -1  13
  67. RxFuncDrop                -1  13
  68. RxFuncQuery               -1  13
  69. RxQueue                   -1  13
  70. SysCls                    -1  13
  71. SysCopyObject             -1  13
  72. SysCreateObject           -1  13
  73. SysCreateShadow           -1  13
  74. SysCurPos                 -1  13
  75. SysCurState               -1  13
  76. SysDeregisterObjectClass  -1  13
  77. SysDestroyObject          -1  13
  78. SysDriveInfo              -1  13
  79. SysDriveMap               -1  13
  80. SysDropFuncs              -1  13
  81. SysFileDelete             -1  13
  82. SysFileTree               -1  13
  83. SysFileSearch             -1  13
  84. SysGetEA                  -1  13
  85. SysGetKey                 -1  13
  86. SysGetMessage             -1  13
  87. SysIni                    -1  13
  88. SysMkDir                  -1  13
  89. SysMoveObject             -1  13
  90. SysOpenObject             -1  13
  91. SysOS2Ver                 -1  13
  92. SysPutEA                  -1  13
  93. SysQueryClassList         -1  13
  94. SysRegisterObjectClass    -1  13
  95. SysSaveObject             -1  13
  96. @ ---------------SAA  REXX Keyword Instructions
  97. address                   -1  12
  98. arg                       -1  12
  99. call                      -1  12
  100. do                        -1  12
  101. drop                      -1  12
  102. end                       -1  12
  103. else                      -1  12
  104. exit                      -1  12
  105. if                        -1  12
  106. interpret                 -1  12
  107. iterate                   -1  12
  108. leave                     -1  12
  109. nop                       -1  12
  110. numeric                   -1  12
  111. options                   -1  12
  112. otherwise                 -1  12
  113. parse                     -1  12
  114. procedure                 -1  12
  115. pull                      -1  12
  116. push                      -1  12
  117. queue                     -1  12
  118. return                    -1  12
  119. say                       -1  12
  120. select                    -1  12
  121. signal                    -1  12
  122. then                      -1  12
  123. trace                     -1  12
  124. when                      -1  12
  125. while                     -1  12
  126. @ ----------------SAA REXX Functions
  127. abbrev                    -1  12
  128. abs                       -1  12
  129. address                   -1  12
  130. api                       -1  12
  131. arg                       -1  12
  132. bitand                    -1  12
  133. bitor                     -1  12
  134. bitxor                    -1  12
  135. b2x                       -1  12
  136. center                    -1  12
  137. centre                    -1  12
  138. compare                   -1  12
  139. condition                 -1  12
  140. copies                    -1  12
  141. c2d                       -1  12
  142. c2x                       -1  12
  143. datatype                  -1  12
  144. date                      -1  12
  145. delstr                    -1  12
  146. delword                   -1  12
  147. digits                    -1  12
  148. d2c                       -1  12
  149. d2x                       -1  12
  150. errortext                 -1  12
  151. form                      -1  12
  152. format                    -1  12
  153. fuzz                      -1  12
  154. insert                    -1  12
  155. lastpos                   -1  12
  156. left                      -1  12
  157. length                    -1  12
  158. max                       -1  12
  159. min                       -1  12
  160. overlay                   -1  12
  161. pos                       -1  12
  162. queued                    -1  12
  163. random                    -1  12
  164. reverse                   -1  12
  165. right                     -1  12
  166. sign                      -1  12
  167. sourceline                -1  12
  168. space                     -1  12
  169. strip                     -1  12
  170. substr                    -1  12
  171. subword                   -1  12
  172. symbol                    -1  12
  173. time                      -1  12
  174. trace                     -1  12
  175. translate                 -1  12
  176. trunc                     -1  12
  177. value                     -1  12
  178. verify                    -1  12
  179. word                      -1  12
  180. wordindex                 -1  12
  181. wordlength                -1  12
  182. wordpos                   -1  12
  183. words                     -1  12
  184. xrange                    -1  12
  185. x2b                       -1  12
  186. x2c                       -1  12
  187. x2d                       -1  12
  188. @ ----------------- OS2 Functions
  189. beep                      -1  13
  190. setlocal                  -1  13
  191. endlocal                  -1  13
  192. filespec                  -1  13
  193. directory                 -1  13
  194. linein                    -1  13
  195. lineout                   -1  13
  196. lines                     -1  13
  197. charin                    -1  13
  198. charout                   -1  13
  199. chars                     -1  13
  200. stream                    -1  13