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ANSI Art File  |  1993-03-04  |  2KB  |  640x400  |  1-bit (2 colors)
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OCR: Federal Workers To Lobby for "Anti -Freeze Next Week WASHINGTON/U . Newswire : Hundreds of menbers of the nation largest independent federal emp loyee uni ion the Nat ional Treasury Emp loyees union will descend on Capitol Hill next week to try to stop Pres ident Clinton federal pay freeze proposa accord ing to Robert Tob i ias, NTEU pres ident Tobias said the NIEU lobbying activities beg in earnest on Monday March am the Capitol Hill Holiday Inn . with reg istrat ion opening ceremon ies address by Del Eleanor Ho] Imes Norton. Tuesday activiti ies inc lude ever federal emp. loyees "BuS Tour from :30 am pm beg inn ai the East steps nf the Capi itol and ending with ral Lafauette Park across the street from the White House "The Tuesday event will borrow from the inton campa ign show t.he Pres ...