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/ The C Users' Group Library 1994 August / wc-cdrom-cusersgrouplibrary-1994-08.iso / vol_300 / 310_01 / collecti.st < prev    next >
Text File  |  1990-04-20  |  3KB  |  102 lines

  1. Class Collection
  2. [
  3.         addAll: aCollection
  4.                 aCollection do: [:x | self add: x ]
  6. |
  7.     asArray
  8.         ^ Array new: self size ;
  9.             replaceFrom: 1 to: self size with: self
  10. |
  11.     asBag
  12.                 ^ Bag new addAll: self
  13. |
  14.     asSet
  15.                 ^ Set new addAll: self
  16. |
  17.     asList
  18.                 ^ List new addAllLast: self
  19. |
  20.     asString
  21.         ^ String new: self size ; 
  22.             replaceFrom: 1 to: self size with: self
  23. |
  24.     coerce: aCollection    | newobj |
  25.         newobj <- self class new.
  26.         aCollection do: [:x | newobj add: x].
  27.         ^ newobj
  28. |
  29.     collect: aBlock
  30.         ^ self inject: self class new
  31.                into: [:x :y | x add: (aBlock value: y). x ]
  32. |
  33.     deepCopy        | newobj |
  34.         newobj <- List new .
  35.         self do: [:x | newobj addLast: x copy ].
  36.         ^ self coerce: newobj
  37. |
  38.     detect: aBlock
  39.         ^ self detect: aBlock
  40.         ifAbsent: [self error: 'no object found matching detect']
  42. |
  43.         detect: aBlock ifAbsent: exceptionBlock   
  44.                 self do: [:x | 
  45.                           (aBlock value: x) ifTrue: [^ x]].
  46.                 ^ exceptionBlock value
  47. |
  48.      first
  49.         ^ self error: 'subclass should implement first'
  50. |
  51.         includes: anObject
  52.         self do: [:x | (x == anObject) ifTrue: [^ true]].
  53.         ^ false
  54. |
  55.         inject: thisValue into: binaryBlock     | last |
  56.                 last <- thisValue.
  57.                 self do: [:x | last <- binaryBlock value: last value: x].
  58.                 ^ last
  59. |
  60.         isEmpty
  61.                 ^ (self size = 0)
  62. |
  63.     occurrencesOf: anObject
  64.         ^ self inject: 0
  65.                        into: [:x :y | (y = anObject) 
  66.                                          ifTrue: [x + 1]
  67.                                          ifFalse: [x] ]
  68. |
  69.     printString
  70.         ^ ( self inject: self class printString , ' ('
  71.              into: [:x :y | x , ' ' , y printString]), ' )'
  72. |
  73.     reject: aBlock          
  74.         ^ self select: [:x | (aBlock value: x) not ]
  75. |
  76.         remove: oldObject
  77.                 self remove: oldObject ifAbsent:
  78.                   [^ self error: 
  79.             'attempt to remove object not found in collection' ].
  80.                 ^ oldObject
  81. |
  82.     remove: oldObject ifAbsent: exceptionBlock
  83.         ^ (self includes: oldObject)
  84.             ifTrue: [self remove: oldObject]
  85.             ifFalse: exceptionBlock
  86. |
  87.     select: aBlock          
  88.         ^ self inject: self class new
  89.                into: [:x :y | (aBlock value: y) 
  90.                                         ifTrue: [x add: y]. x]
  91. |
  92.     shallowCopy        | newobj |
  93.         newobj <- List new .
  94.         self do: [:x | newobj addLast: x].
  95.         ^ self coerce: newobj
  96. |
  97.     size        | i |
  98.         i <- 0.
  99.         self do: [:x | i <- i + 1 ].
  100.         ^ i
  101. ]