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/ The C Users' Group Library 1994 August / wc-cdrom-cusersgrouplibrary-1994-08.iso / listings / v_03_05 / extra.exe / DLLPARAM.FRM (.txt) < prev    next >
Visual Basic Form  |  1992-02-19  |  7KB  |  166 lines

  1. dllparam
  2. DLL parameter tester
  3. Form1
  4. TestIntByval
  5. ReceivesInteger(5)
  6. TestIntByref
  7. Add5To5
  8. TestControl
  9.     Get Hwnds
  10. TestLongByval
  11. ReceivesLong(6)
  12. TestLongByref
  13. Add5To6
  14. TestSingleByval
  15. ReceivesSingle(1.59)
  16. TestSingleByref
  17. Add5To1.59
  18. TestCurrencyByval
  19. ReceivesCurrency(1.2345)
  20. TestDoubleByval
  21. ReceivesDouble(3.145)
  22. TestDoubleByref
  23. Add5To3.145
  24. TestCurrencyByref
  25. AddPennyToCurrency(1.23)
  26. TestString
  27. ReceivesString "Hello"
  28. TestStringChange
  29. Adds'!'to"Hello"
  30. TestVBString
  31. !ReceivesVBString("String to DLL")
  32. TestUserType
  33. ReceivesUserType(1,2,3,4)
  34. TestVBStringChange
  35. ChangesVBString("Short")
  36. TestAddUserString
  37. AddUserString
  38. ReceivesIntArray
  39.     Int Array
  40. ReturnVBString
  41. ReturnsVBString()
  42. TestSingleByval_Click
  43. ReceivesSingle
  44. TestLongByval_Click
  45. ReceivesLong
  46. TestDoubleByval_Click
  47. ReceivesDouble
  48. TestIntByref_Click
  49. Add5ToInteger7
  50. TestLongByref_Click
  51. Add5ToLong`
  52. TestSingleByref_Clicky
  53. Add5ToSingle
  54. TestDoubleByref_Click
  55. Add5ToDouble
  56. TestString_ClickO
  57. ReceivesString
  58. TestStringChange_Click
  59. ChangesString9
  60. TestControl_Click
  61. GetControlHwnd
  62.     command11
  63. hfrmN
  64. GetFormHwnd}
  65. dllparamc
  66. TestVBString_Click
  67. ReceivesVBString
  68. TestVBStringChange_Click
  69. ChangesVBStringQ
  70. ReturnVBString_Click
  71. ReturnsVBString
  72. TestUserType_Click
  73. usertype
  74. ReceivesUserType6
  75. TestCurrencyByval_Click
  76. ReceivesCurrencyg
  77. TestCurrencyByref_Click
  78. AddPennyToCurrency
  79. TestIntByval_Click
  80. ReceivesInteger
  81. TestCurrByval_Click8
  82. Form_Click
  83. TestControl
  84. ReceivesIntArray_Click
  85. ReceivesIntArray
  86. Command1_Click
  87. ReceivesVBStringArray
  88. TestAddUserString_Click
  89. AddUserString
  90.  DLL parameter test programm
  91.  Copyright (c) 1992, by Desaware
  92.  All rights reserved
  93.  This program is used to test the dllparam.dll dynamic
  94.  link library.    
  95. TestSingleByval_Click
  96.  Passing singles by value and returning singlesc
  97. TestLongByval_Click
  98.  Passing longs by value and returning longsr
  99. TestDoubleByval_Click
  100.  Passing doubles by value and returning doubless
  101. TestIntByref_Click
  102.  Passing integers by reference
  103. Add5ToInteger"
  104. TestLongByref_Click
  105.  Passing longs by referencea
  106. Add5ToLong
  107. TestSingleByref_Click
  108.  Passing singles by referencee
  109. Add5ToSingle
  110. TestDoubleByref_Click
  111.  Passing doubles by referencee
  112. Add5ToDouble
  113. TestString_Click
  114.  Passing strings (null terminated)
  115.  Always by reference
  116. Hello"$
  117. TestStringChange_Click
  118.  Passing and modifying strings (null terminated)
  119.  Always by reference
  120.  Null terminated string is passed to the routine
  121.  x$ must be preinitialized to the maximum length.n
  122.  The DLL may change the contents of the string, but,
  123.  must never go past the null terminator 
  124. Hello"
  125. ChangesString"
  126. TestControl_Click
  127.  Passing controls and forms as parameterss
  128. This control hwnd is "
  129. , the form hwnd is "
  130. Get Hwnds"
  131. TestVBString_Click
  132.  Passing Visual Basic strings
  133. String to DLL"$
  134. TestVBStringChange_Click
  135.  Passing and modifying Visual Basic stringss
  136.  Note - no length restrictions apply
  137. Short"
  138. ChangesVBString"
  139. ReturnVBString_Click
  140.  A DLL function returning a Visual Basic Stringg
  141. ReturnsVBString"
  142. TestUserType_Click
  143.  Passing user defined typess
  144.  Always by reference
  145.  Note - this is call by reference, the DLL can changen
  146.  the value of u 
  147. TestCurrencyByval_Click
  148.  Passing currency by value and returning currencyy
  149. TestCurrencyByref_Click
  150.  Passing currency by reference
  151. AddPennyToCurrency
  152. TestIntByval_Click
  153.  Passing integers by value and returning integerss
  154. ReceivesIntArray_Click
  155.  This is a test of passing a pointer to a numeric arrayy
  156.  Note the unique DLL calll
  157.  Pass a pointer to the first element of the array.
  158.  The DLL has no way of knowing how long the array is
  159.  unless you define a length parameter for the function.w
  160. TestAddUserString_Click
  161.    Show how to access strings inside user defined types
  162.  Note - this is call by reference, the DLL can changen
  163.  the value of u 
  164. orignal string
  165. String in usertype changed