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Text File  |  1991-11-08  |  5KB  |  59 lines

  1.       ______________________________________________________________________
  2.      |                                                                      |
  3.      |                   SOFF BALLS 3.1 Registration Form                   |
  4.      |                                                                      |
  5.      |                             Jeff Elwood                              |
  6.      |                         Computator Software                          |
  7.      |                         2809 Lordshire Road                          |
  8.      |                          Madison, WI 53719                           |
  9.      |                           (608)  271-1586                            |
  10.      |                                                                      |
  11.      |  TO REGISTER, send this form to the address above with a check or    |
  12.      |  money order for $29 (includes shipping and handling) payable to the |
  13.      |  author, Jeff Elwood.  International orders please add $5 and send   |
  14.      |  the check or money order in U.S. funds drawn on a U.S. Bank.        |
  15.      |                                                                      |
  16.      |  WHEN YOU REGISTER, you will promptly be mailed a FREE copy of the   |
  17.      |  current version of SOFF BALLS loaded with the games from the latest |
  18.      |  World Series.  If version 4.0 isn't finished when you register, you |
  19.      |  will be sent a FREE copy as soon as it's available.  Other major    |
  20.      |  upgrades (5.0 and later) will be offered to you for a small         |
  21.      |  distribution charge.  Technical phone support is available.         |
  22.      |                                                                      |
  23.      |  From:                                                               |
  24.      |                                                                      |
  25.      |     Name:    ___________________________________________________     |
  26.      |                                                                      |
  27.      |     Address: ___________________________________________________     |
  28.      |                                                                      |
  29.      |     City:    ___________________________________________________     |
  30.      |                                                                      |
  31.      |     State:   _______________ Zip: _________ Country: ___________     |
  32.      |                                                                      |
  33.      |                                                                      |
  34.      |  I use the following size disk:  ___ 3 1/2 inch   ___ 5 1/4 inch     |
  35.      |                                                                      |
  36.      |                                                                      |
  37.      |  I will be using SOFF BALLS for:                                     |
  38.      |                                                                      |
  39.      |     ___ Slowpitch Softball  ___ Fastpitch Softball  ___ Baseball     |
  40.      |                                                                      |
  41.      |                                                                      |
  42.      |  I got my copy of SOFF BALLS from: _____________________________     |
  43.      |                                                                      |
  44.      |                                                                      |
  45.      |  Comments:                                                           |
  46.      |                                                                      |
  47.      |  ________________________________________________________________    |
  48.      |                                                                      |
  49.      |  ________________________________________________________________    |
  50.      |                                                                      |
  51.      |  ________________________________________________________________    |
  52.      |                                                                      |
  53.      |  ________________________________________________________________    |
  54.      |                                                                      |
  55.      |  ________________________________________________________________    |
  56.      |                                                                      |
  57.      |______________________________________________________________________| 