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Graphics Interchange Format  |  2006-07-09  |  17KB  |  472x307  |  8-bit (215 colors)
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OCR: INI Database This Code This Programs ModINI has Programs Modua Option Explicit sDeflnitFileName setup as [AppPath AppE XEName Ini] pue, used as the Default Initialization Filename Private sDeflnitFileName A String Private Declare Function GetPrivateProfileString Lib "kernel |32" Alias [ByVal IpApplicationN ame A String ByVaI lpK ey lane As Any, String. ByVal IpD efault ByVal nSize As As String, Long ByVall ByVal IpFileName IIpReturnedS tring [String] As Long Private Declare Function WriteF PrivateP ProfileString Lib Deleite New Update Progr rams Prootams Modual VAppE andi sDeflnitF ileName IpKeyName ByVa