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OCR: 352 Chapter 6 Keeping Control calls out of of a termination control function. condition It is that extremely is sure to important occur. that every Otherwise, recursive the execution function be would given be in recursive function 6-9 to calculate mai factorials in is serves only demonstrated as in driver the call program the recurs.c Example The function recursive function and output the value returned by the function Example 6-9: recurs.c recurs Synopsis Inputs posi tive integer, calculates its factori ial and outputs the result Obj ective simple example ecurs .ve funct. on Include Files #include <stdio h> #incl #incl ude Lude <ct <stdl type ib.h> h> Note 1 Functi ion Prototypes int fact cori ial int PRECONDI POSTCONDITION: ITION: Uses can be any recursive non algori -negative thm to in ...