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Text File  |  2009-11-06  |  5KB  |  175 lines

  1. # FILE: notify.tmpl
  2. # DESCRIPTION: E-mail notification template
  3. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. <!--BEGIN-->
  6. <#reference array @levels from $pagedata->{levels}#>
  7. <#if $general->{wants_html} == 1 && $general->{is_queued} == 0#>
  8.     <html>
  9.     <head>
  10.     <title>$L{PROFEDIT_EMAILNOTIFY}</title>
  11.     </head>        
  12.     <body bgcolor="$color->{bgcolor}" text="$color->{text}" link="$color->{link}" vlink="$color->{vlink}" alink="$color->{alink}">
  13.     <font face="$color->{face}" size="$color->{size}">
  14.     <h4>$L{PROFEDIT_EMAILNOTIFY}</h4>
  15.     <#if $GLOBAL_OPTIONS{sendnotext} == 1#>
  16.         <hr>
  17.         <b>
  18.         $title:{||}\
  19.         <#if $pagedata->{head}->{me_number} != $pagedata->{head}->{topic_number}#>
  20.             $pagedata->{head}->{topic_name}:{||}\
  21.         <#endif#>
  22.         <#foreach $level (@levels)#>
  23.             <#if $level->{level_number} > 0#>
  24.                 <#if $level->{level_number} != $pagedata->{head}->{me_number}#>
  25.                     $level->{level_name}:{||}\
  26.                 <#endif#>
  27.             <#endif#>
  28.         <#endloop#>
  29.         $pagedata->{head}->{me_name}
  30.         </b>
  31.         <hr>
  32.         <#define $l = "$L{EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_ALERT}"#>
  33.         <#replace "%author" with "$postdata->{author}" in $l#>
  34.         <#replace "%date" with "<#date $postdata->{time} format "$L{LONGDATE}"#>" in $l#>
  35.         <p>
  36.         $l
  37.         </p>
  38.     <#else#>
  39.         <#wordwrapX 100 "$general->{text_html}"#>
  40.     <#endif#>    
  41.     <p>
  42.     $L{BPR_GOTOLINK}
  43.     </p>
  44.     <ul>
  45.     <a href="$script_url/show.$cgi_extension?$pagedata->{head}->{topic_number}/$pagedata->{head}->{me_number}" target=_blank>$L{EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_JUMP}</a>
  46.     </ul>
  47.     <#if pro && $GLOBAL_OPTIONS->{email_edit_profile_link} == 1#>
  48.         <p>
  50.         </p>
  51.         <ul>
  52.         <a href="$script_url/board-profile.$cgi_extension?action=login&username=$general->{user}&encpass=$general->{encpass}" target=_blank>$L{EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_EDIT_PROFILE_HTML}</a>
  53.         </ul>
  54.     <#endif#>
  55.     <#if $GLOBAL_OPTIONS->{reply_email} && $general->{reply_disabled} == 0#>
  56.         <#repeated 60 "-"#>
  57.         <h4>$L{EMAIL_REPLY_FOOTER_NEW_1}</h4>
  58.         {|}
  59.         <p>$L{EMAIL_REPLY_FOOTER_NEW_2}</p>
  60.         {|}
  61.         <p>$L{EMAIL_REPLY_FOOTER_NEW_3}</p>
  62.         {|}
  63.         <p>$L{EMAIL_REPLY_FOOTER_NEW_4}</p>
  64.         {|}
  65.         <p>$L{EMAIL_REPLY_FOOTER_NEW_5}<br>
  66.         {|}
  67.         {|}
  68.         $L{EMAIL_REPLY_FOOTER_NEW_6}<br>
  69.         {|}
  70.         {|}
  71.         $L{EMAIL_REPLY_FOOTER_NEW_7}</p>
  72.         <p><#repeated 60 "-"#><br>
  73.         $L{EMAIL_REPLY_AUTH_DATA}<br>
  74.         /$general->{topic}/$general->{page}/$general->{post}/$general->{user}/$general->{encpass}<br>
  75.         <#repeated 60 "-"#></p>
  76.     <#endif#>    
  77.     </body>
  78.     </html>
  79. <#else#>
  80.     <#if $general->{is_queued} == 1#>
  81.         $L{EMAIL_TO_QUEUE}
  82.         {|}
  83.     <#endif#>
  84.     <#repeated 60 "-"#>
  85.     $title:{||}\
  86.     <#if $pagedata->{head}->{me_number} != $pagedata->{head}->{topic_number}#>
  87.         $pagedata->{head}->{topic_name}:{||}\
  88.     <#endif#>
  89.     <#foreach $level (@levels)#>
  90.         <#if $level->{level_number} > 0#>
  91.             <#if $level->{level_number} != $pagedata->{head}->{me_number}#>
  92.                 $level->{level_name}:{||}\
  93.             <#endif#>
  94.         <#endif#>
  95.     <#endloop#>
  96.     $pagedata->{head}->{me_name}
  97.     <#repeated 60 "-"#>
  98.     {|}
  99.     <#if $GLOBAL_OPTIONS{sendnotext} == 1#>
  100.         <#define $l = "$L{EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_ALERT}"#>
  101.     <#else#>
  102.         <#define $l = "$L{EMAIL_BY_LINE}"#>
  103.     <#endif#>
  104.     <#replace "%author" with "$postdata->{author}" in $l#>
  105.     <#replace "%date" with "<#date $postdata->{time} format "$L{LONGDATE}"#>" in $l#>
  106.     $l
  107.     {|}
  108.     <#if $GLOBAL_OPTIONS{sendnotext} != 1#>
  109.         <#wordwrap 70 "$postdata->{text}"#>
  110.         {|}
  111.         {|}
  112.         <#if $GLOBAL_OPTIONS->{reply_email_admin} && $general->{is_queued} == 1 && $general->{reply_disabled} == 0#>
  113.             <#repeated 60 "-"#>
  114.             $L{EMAIL_ADMIN_HELP}
  115.             <#repeated 60 "-"#>
  116.             $L{EMAIL_REPLY_AUTH_DATA}
  117.             /$general->{topic}/$general->{page}/$general->{post}/$general->{user}/$general->{encpass}
  118.             <#repeated 60 "-"#>
  119.         <#else#>
  120.             <#if $GLOBAL_OPTIONS->{reply_email} && $general->{is_queued} == 0 && $general->{reply_disabled} == 0#>
  121.                 <#repeated 60 "-"#>
  122.                 $L{EMAIL_REPLY_FOOTER_NEW_1}
  123.                 {|}
  124.                 $L{EMAIL_REPLY_FOOTER_NEW_2}
  125.                 {|}
  126.                 $L{EMAIL_REPLY_FOOTER_NEW_3}
  127.                 {|}
  128.                 $L{EMAIL_REPLY_FOOTER_NEW_4}
  129.                 {|}
  130.                 $L{EMAIL_REPLY_FOOTER_NEW_5}
  131.                 $L{EMAIL_REPLY_FOOTER_NEW_6}
  132.                 $L{EMAIL_REPLY_FOOTER_NEW_7}
  133.                 {|}
  134.                 <#if pro && $GLOBAL_OPTIONS->{email_edit_profile_link} == 1#>
  135.                     $L{EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_EDIT_PROFILE_LINK}
  136.                     {||||}$script_url/board-profile.$cgi_extension?action=login&username=$general->{user}&encpass=$general->{encpass}
  137.                     {|}
  138.                 <#endif#>
  139.                 $L{BPR_GOTOLINK}
  140.                 {||||}$script_url/show.$cgi_extension?$pagedata->{head}->{topic_number}/$pagedata->{head}->{me_number}
  141.                 {|}
  142.                 {|}
  143.                 <#repeated 60 "-"#>
  144.                 $L{EMAIL_REPLY_AUTH_DATA}
  145.                 /$general->{topic}/$general->{page}/$general->{post}/$general->{user}/$general->{encpass}
  146.                 <#repeated 60 "-"#>
  147.             <#else#>    
  148.                 $L{BPR_STANDARD_FOOTER}
  149.                 {|}
  150.                 <#if pro && $GLOBAL_OPTIONS->{email_edit_profile_link} == 1#>
  151.                     $L{EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_EDIT_PROFILE_LINK}
  152.                     {||||}$script_url/board-profile.$cgi_extension?action=login&username=$general->{user}&encpass=$general->{encpass}
  153.                     {|}
  154.                 <#endif#>
  155.                 <#if $general->{is_queued} == 0#>
  156.                     $L{BPR_GOTOLINK}
  157.                     {||||}$script_url/show.$cgi_extension?$pagedata->{head}->{topic_number}/$pagedata->{head}->{me_number}
  158.                 <#endif#>
  159.             <#endif#>
  160.         <#endif#>
  161.     <#else#>
  162.         <#if $general->{is_queued} == 0#>
  163.             $L{BPR_GOTOLINK}
  164.             {||||}$script_url/show.$cgi_extension?$pagedata->{head}->{topic_number}/$pagedata->{head}->{me_number}
  165.         <#endif#>
  166.         {|}
  167.         $L{BPR_STANDARD_FOOTER}
  168.     <#endif#>
  169. <#endif#>
  174. <!--END-->