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Text File  |  2009-11-06  |  3KB  |  72 lines

  1. ##################################################################
  2. # Configuration file for Discus attachment uploads
  3. #
  4. # You may freely modify this file, but be sure to look at all
  5. # of the sections, because making any changes to this file could
  6. # possibly create security holes on your server.  Consequently,
  9. #
  10. # As provided, this file is safe for all reasonable (read, all
  11. # that are ever used) system configurations.
  12. ##################################################################
  13. # Recognized MIME types for Discus attachment uploads
  14. # The format is as follows for any line:
  15. #   MIME_TYPE        icon        extension
  16. # You separate each field by one or more space characters.
  17. # If you leave an extension blank, the default ".unk" extension
  18. # will be added onto the file name that is supplied by the user's
  19. # browser.
  20. <Recognized>
  21. application/msword                        mime_msword.gif                doc
  22. application/vnd.ms-excel                mime_msexcel.gif            xls
  23. audio/mid                                mime_midi.gif                mid
  24. audio/wav                                mime_wav.gif                wav
  25. application/x-zip-compressed            mime_zip.gif                zip
  26. application/octet-stream                mime_exe.gif
  27. text/plain                                mime_txt.gif                txt
  28. text/html                                mime_html.gif                html
  29. application/x-msdownload                mime_exe.gif
  30. image/gif                                mime_gif.gif                gif
  31. image/jpeg                                mime_jpeg.gif                jpg
  32. image/pjpeg                                mime_jpeg.gif                jpg
  33. application/pdf                         mime_pdf.gif                pdf
  34. application/vnd.ms-powerpoint            mime_msppt.gif                ppt
  35. application/ppt                            mime_msppt.gif                ppt
  36. application/rtf                            mime_msword.gif                rtf
  37. text/rtf                                mime_msword.gif                rtf
  38. text/richtext                            mime_msword.gif                rtf
  39. </Recognized>
  40. ##################################################################
  41. # Valid extensions -- these are the extensions that can be used
  42. # for file names.  Any other extensions are appended with ".unk"
  43. # to keep people, for example, from uploading things to your
  44. # server and then running them as programs.  Any extensions that
  45. # are specified above are automatically valid whether or not they
  46. # are listed here.
  47. <Valid>
  48. txt
  49. doc
  50. xls
  51. zip
  52. mid
  53. wav
  54. html
  55. htm
  56. gif
  57. jpg
  58. pdf
  59. ppt
  60. rtf
  61. </Valid>
  62. ##################################################################
  63. # Server Side Includes -- files with the following extensions have
  64. # server side includes (SSIs) removed from them.  This keeps people
  65. # from uploading files with SSIs and then being able to run
  66. # arbitrary commands on your server.  If you enable any other
  67. # allowable extension for HTML files, be sure to add it here!
  68. <SSI>
  69. html
  70. htm
  71. </SSI>