The land of Norumbega was a generally happy one. Almost all of the regions got along well -- the country, city, sea, caverns . . . pretty much everything -- except for the Dark Quarter. The Dark Quarter is the land where the evil Fang Duck dwells. Suddenly, around a year ago, an urge stuck Fang Duck to take over all of Norumbega and populate it with his minions, the ducks. As war was virtually unknown in Norumbega, it seemed that no one had the knowledge or training to stop Fang Duck. That's where Peach, the Lob- ster, stepped in. Peach's coastal home, popu- lated by land crustaceans, re- cieved word of the invasion much after the fact. For some reason or another, Fang Duck had missed conquering this community. Dismayed at the news, and knowing that their coastal home would soon be under attack, the community leaders called on Peach, the fastest land lobster in Norumbega, to sneak in and oust Fang Duck. Fang Duck would not expect any attack; he would assume that he had already destroyed all his adversaries. Armed this element of surprise and with a claw gun (not really a weapon, but the closest thing to it) Peach started his journey.