OTHER GAME-MAKER TOOLS Character Maker - Creates and animates characters - Sets up weapons - Designates initial posessions - Sets character parameters Backup and Restore Files Calibrate and Test Joystick Sound Designer - Create and test out PC speaker sounds - Tie PC speaker sounds or digitized sounds to actions Transfer Blocks - Import blocks from games - Automatic palette conversion GAME FEATURES Too many to name! Here is a partial list: - Save and restore games at as many as ten places - Turn on or off music or sound - Top ten list & last score - Visual display of score, inventory, hit points... - Multimedia displays for storyline, instructions, credits, start, end, won, between levels, ... MORE GAME FEATURES - Character movement modes: Regular Glide Conserve momentum - Gravity can be set in one of eight directions - Many monster movement modes - Character can shoot: Once per key Multiple times per key Machine gun style NEW WITH VERSION 3.0 Multimedia Displays! - Graphic images - Graphic animations - Music - Text & text over images You are reading a Multimedia Display (text over image) now. I'll pop up another image and an animation next.