Message #4722 "ParaNet Abduction Echo" Date: 24-Apr-93 23:24 From: Pony Godic To: All Subj: Bakelite odour On an Australian program, called "The Extraordinary" which features, in a reasonable way, everything from ghost stories, UFOs, cryptozology, in fact pretty much anything covered by the term paranormal, I saw an interesting segment on a Yowi sighting. In the U.S. these big, bad smelling, hairy humanoid creatures are called Big Foot. Here in Australia they are called Yowi and, according to the program there are around 3,000 sightings on record. Not being a cryptozologist, I take this with a pinch of salt and mention here only for interest. I cannot confirm or deny the figure. Anyway, the sighting of a Yowi by various people over the years in an area of forest, is not the reason for this message. What most interested me about the sighting was that a strong bakelite odour was smelt by one of the witnesses just before the Yowi was seen. The reason this so interests me is that here in Australia in a very complex and compelling abduction case the witness reported smelling a strong bakelite odour. I'm sorry I am not at liberty to give any details of this case because it is still rated "in confidence." Unfortunately, we have lost contact with the percipient due to an unexpected move on their part with all our attempts at reestablishing contact having failed. Suffice it to say, we never got to complete our investigations, let alone get clearance to discuss or publish any details. Nevertheless, I can reveal that there were very close UFO sightings, remarkable physical events and assorted paranormal phenomena. Anyway, to cut a long story short, is anyone aware of other abduction cases where a bakelite odour is noticed? In fact, does the bakelite odour feature in cryptozological sightings very often? Now the biggie: Can anyone suggest an explanation for the bakelite odour, especially with regards to being noted in such seemingly different Fortean areas. Yowis and abductions don't seem to be out of the same mould, yet there's a bakelite odour connection in these two instances.