Foreign Type Specification

The foreign-type tells the compiler how to interpret a T data type in order to pass it to the foreign call. The general categories of Pascal data types are numeric, string, record, enumerated, set of.

Pascal Type T3 Type Foreign Type Spec
integer8 fixnum rep/integer-8-s
binteger fixnum rep/integer-8-u
integer16 fixnum rep/integer-16-s
pinteger fixnum rep/integer-16-u
integer fixnum rep/integer
linteger fixnum rep/integer
real unimplemented
double flonum rep/extend
string string rep/string
string text rep/extend
univ_pointer string rep/string-pointer
univ_pointer text rep/extend-pointer
record extend rep/extend
char char rep/char
boolean boolean rep/integer-8-s

Beware that if a T string is being used as an out parameter the offset field of the string must be 0 (the string must never have been chdr!'ed).

Record structures are represented by byte-vectors of the appropriate size.