Section: Miscellaneous Library Functions (3X)
Updated: July , 1991
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sipp_pixmap - pixmap handling code for sipp.
sipp_bitmap - bitmap handling code for sipp.



#include <sipp_pixmap.h>
#include <sipp_bitmap.h>

[g]cc [flags] files -lsipp -lm [ libraries ]



The sipp(3X) library has provisions to create an image in a pixmap in core. The most common use of this will probably be rendering into X bitmaps, Macintosh bitmaps or something similar but for those who do not want to use system dependent pixmaps we provide the Sipp_pixmap. When rendering a line image the target is a bitmap file or a bitmap in core rather than a pixmap. To faciliate this, we also provide a bitmap implementation, the Sipp_bitmap.



A Sipp_pixmap is defined like this:

typedef struct {
int width;               /* Width of the pixmap */

int height;              /* Height of the pixmap */

u_char * buffer;   /* A pointer to the image. */

} Sipp_pixmap;

The pointer buffer is a pointer to the image where each pixel is stored as three unsigned chars in the order red, green blue. Thus, the buffer is 3 * width * height bytes long.

The following functions operate on a Sipp_pixmap:

Sipp_pixmap *sipp_pixmap_create(width, height)

int width;
int height;

Returns a new Sipp_pixmap with the given size. The memory used is allocated using malloc(3).

void sipp_pixmap_destruct(pm)

Sipp_pixmap *pm;

Frees all memory associated to the Sipp_pixmap pm.

void sipp_pixmap_set_pixel(pm, col, row, red, grn, blu)

Sipp_pixmap *pm;
int col;
int row;
u_char red;
u_char grn;
u_char blu

Set the pixel at (col, row) in pixmap pm to be the color (red, grn, blu). (0, 0) is upper left.

void sipp_pixmap_write(file, pm)

FILE *file;
Sipp_pixmap *pm

Write the pixmap pm to the open file file. The image is written in the Portable Pixmap format (ppm), the same format sipp is using when rendering to a file.



A Sipp_bitmap is defined like this:

typedef struct {
int width;               /* Width of the bitmap in pixels */

int height;              /* Height of the bitmap in pixels */

int width_bytes; /* Width of the bitmap in bytes. */

u_char * buffer;   /* A pointer to the image. */

} Sipp_bitmap;

The pointer buffer is a pointer to the image where each pixel is a bit in an unsigned char. If the width field is not a multiple of 8, the last bits in the last byte of a row are not used. The most significant bit in each byte is the leftmost pixel. The entire buffer is width_bytes * height bytes long.

The following functions operate on a Sipp_bitmap:

Sipp_bitmap *sipp_bitmap_create(width, height)

int width;
int height;

Returns a new Sipp_bitmap with the given size. The memory used is allocated using malloc(3).

void sipp_bitmap_destruct(bm)

Sipp_bitmap *bm;

Frees all memory associated to the Sipp_bitmap bm.

void sipp_bitmap_line(bm, col1, row1, col2, row2)

Sipp_bitmap *bm;
int col1;
int row1;
int col2;
int row2;

Draw a line from (col1row1) to (col2row2) in the bitmap bm. (0, 0) is upper left.

void sipp_bitmap_write(file, bm)

FILE *file;
Sipp_bitmap *bm

Write the bitmap bm to the open file file. The image is written in the Portable Bitmap format (pbm), the same format sipp is using when rendering a line drawing to a file.



sipp(3X) - simple polygon processor, a 3d-graphics library
geometric(3X) - Vector and matrix functions for the sipp(3X) library
primitives(3X) - a collection of geometric primitives for sipp.
shaders(3X) - a collection of shaders for sipp.



Jonas Yngvesson (jonas-y@isy.liu.se)
Inge Wallin    (ingwa@isy.liu.se)



No known bugs.




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