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ast - generator for abstract structure/syntax trees  


ast [-options] [-ldir] [file]  


Ast generates a program module to handle arbitrary attributed trees and graphs. A typical application is the abstract syntax tree in a compiler. The input file contains a specification which describes the structure of all possible trees or nodes respectively and the attributes of the nodes. Ast generates type declarations to implement the tree and several procedures for tree manipulation including ASCII and binary readers and writers (see options below). If file is omitted the specification is read from standard input.  


generate all except -ch (default)
generate node constructorsprocedures n<node> (node)
generate node constructorsprocedures m<node> (make)
generate node/tree destroyerprocedure ReleaseTREE (free)
generate general destroyerprocedure ReleaseTREEModule (FREE)
generate ASCII node writerprocedure WriteTREENode (output)
generate ASCII graph readerprocedure ReadTREE
generate ASCII graph writerprocedure WriteTREE
generate binary graph readerprocedure GetTREE
generate binary graph writerprocedure PutTREE
generate list reverser  procedure ReverseTREE
generate top down traversalprocedure TraverseTREETD

(reverse depth first)
generate bottom up traversalprocedure TraverseTREEBU

(depth first)
generate graph copy     procedure CopyTREE
generate tree equality testprocedure IsEqualTREE
generate graph checker  procedure CheckTREE
generate graph browser  procedure QueryTREE
generate definition module
generate implementation module
generate import statements
generate tree/graph description in file VIEW.TS
generate # line directives
touch output files only if necessary
report storage consumption
generate C code (default is Modula-2)
print help information
dir is the directory where ast finds its table files


if output is in C:

<module>.h          specification of the generated graph module
<module>.c          body of the generated graph module
yy<module>.w        macro file defining type specific operations

if output is in Modula-2:

<module>.md         definition module of the generated graph module
<module>.mi         implementation module of the generated graph module
<module>.imp        import statements


J. Grosch: "Ast - A Generator for Abstract Syntax Trees", GMD Forschungsstelle an der Universitaet Karlsruhe, Compiler Generation Report No. 15

J. Grosch: "Tool Support for Data Structures", Structured Programming, 12, 31-38 (1991) [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [

RULE                                    /* Ast: concrete syntax */

/* parser grammar */

Specification    = <
                 =               TreeCodes PropPart DeclPart RulePart Modules .
                 = 'MODULE' Name TreeCodes PropPart DeclPart RulePart
                   'END' Name Modules .
> .
TreeCodes        = <
                 =             SubUnit .
                 = 'TREE'      SubUnit Codes .
                 = 'TREE' Name SubUnit Codes .
> .
Codes            = <
                 = .
                 = Codes 'EXPORT' tTargetCode .
                 = Codes 'IMPORT' tTargetCode .
                 = Codes 'GLOBAL' tTargetCode .
                 = Codes 'LOCAL'  tTargetCode .
                 = Codes 'BEGIN'  tTargetCode .
                 = Codes 'CLOSE'  tTargetCode .
> .
SubUnit          = <
                 = .
                 = SubUnit 'SUBUNIT' Name .
                 = SubUnit 'VIEW'    Name .
> .
PropPart         = Props .

Props            = <
                 = Props 'PROPERTY' Properties
                 = Props 'PROPERTY' Properties 'FOR' Names
                 = Props 'SELECT' Names
> .
DeclPart         = <
                 = .
                 = 'DECLARE' Decls .
> .
Decls            = <
                 = .
   MoreNonterms  = Decls Names '=' AttrDecls '.' .
   MoreTerminals = Decls Names ':' AttrDecls '.' .
> .
Names            = <
                 = .
                 = Names Name .
                 = Names ',' .
> .
RulePart         = <
                 = .
                 = 'RULE' Types .
> .
Types            = <
                 = .
   Nonterminal   = Types Name BaseTypes '='  AttrDecls Extensions '.' .
   Terminal      = Types Name BaseTypes ':'  AttrDecls Extensions '.' .
   Abstract      = Types Name BaseTypes ':=' AttrDecls Extensions '.' .
> .
BaseTypes        = <
                 = .
                 = '<-' Names .
> .
Extensions       = <
                 = .
                 = '<' Types '>' .
> .
AttrDecls        = <
                 = .
   ChildSelct    = AttrDecls     Name ':' Name Properties .
   ChildNoSelct  = AttrDecls              Name Properties .
   AttrTyped     = AttrDecls '[' Name ':' Name Properties ']' .
   AttrInteger   = AttrDecls '[' Name          Properties ']' .
> .
Properties       = <
                 = .
                 = Properties 'INPUT' .
                 = Properties 'OUTPUT' .
                 = Properties 'SYNTHESIZED' .
                 = Properties 'INHERITED' .
                 = Properties 'THREAD' .
                 = Properties 'REVERSE' .
                 = Properties 'IGNORE' .
                 = Properties 'VIRTUAL' .
> .
Modules          = <
                 = .
                 = Modules 'MODULE' Name TreeCodes DeclPart RulePart 'END' Name .
> .
Name             = <
                 = tIdent .
                 = tString .
> .

/* lexical grammar */

tIdent           : <
                 = Letter .
                 = tIdent Letter .
                 = tIdent Digit .
                 = tIdent '_' .
> .
tString          : <
                 = "'" Characters "'" .
                 = '"' Characters '"' .
> .
tTargetCode      : '{' Characters '}' .

Comment          : '/*' Characters '*/' .

Characters       : <
                 = .
                 = Characters Character .
> .


Prog            = PROGRAM tIdent ';' 'DECLARE' Decls 'BEGIN' Stats 'END' '.' .
Decls           = <
   Decls1       = Decl .
   Decls2       = Decls ';' Decl .
> .
Decl            = <
   Var          = tIdent ':' Type .
   Proc0        = PROCEDURE tIdent ';' 'DECLARE' Decls 'BEGIN' Stats 'END' .
   Proc         = PROCEDURE tIdent '(' Formals ')' ';'
                                       'DECLARE' Decls 'BEGIN' Stats 'END' .
> .
Formals         = <
   Formals1     = Formal .
   Formals2     = Formals ';' Formal .
> .
Formal          = <
   Value        = tIdent ':' Type .
   Ref          = VAR tIdent ':' Type .
> .
Type            = <
   Int          = INTEGER .
   Real         = REAL .
   Bool         = BOOLEAN .
   Array        = ARRAY '[' Lwb: tIntegerConst '..' Upb: tIntegerConst ']' OF Type .
> .
Stats           = <
   Stats1       = Stat .
   Stats2       = Stats ';' Stat .
> .
Stat            = <
   Assign       = Adr ':=' Expr .
   Call0        = tIdent .
   Call         = tIdent '(' Actuals ')' .
   If           = IF Expr THEN Then: Stats ELSE Else: Stats 'END' .
   While        = WHILE Expr DO Stats 'END' .
   Read         = READ '(' Adr ')' .
   Write        = WRITE '(' Expr ')' .
> .
Actuals         = <
   Expr1        = Expr .
   Expr2        = Actuals ',' Expr .
> .
Expr            = <
   Less         = Lop: Expr '<' Rop: Expr .
   Plus         = Lop: Expr '+' Rop: Expr .
   Times        = Lop: Expr '*' Rop: Expr .
   Not          = NOT Expr .
   '()'         = '(' Expr ')' .
   IConst       = tIntegerConst .
   RConst       = tRealConst .
   False        = FALSE .
   True         = TRUE .
   Adr          = <
      Name      = tIdent .
      Index     = Adr '[' Expr ']' .
   > .
> .
tIdent          : [Ident: tIdent] .
tIntegerConst   : [Integer      ] .
tRealConst      : [Real : REAL  ] .

TREE                                    /* MiniLAX: abstract syntax */
IMPORT  { FROM Idents IMPORT tIdent;
          TYPE tPosition = RECORD Line, Column: CARDINAL; END; }

GLOBAL  { FROM Idents IMPORT tIdent; }


MiniLax         = Proc .
Decls           = <
   NoDecl       = .
   Decl         = Next: Decls REV [Ident: tIdent] [Pos: tPosition] <
      Proc      = Formals Decls Stats .
      Var       = Type .
   > .
> .
Formals         = <
   NoFormal     = .
   Formal       = Next: Formals REV [Ident: tIdent] [Pos: tPosition] Type .
> .
Type            = <
   Integer      = .
   Real         = .
   Boolean      = .
   Array        = Type                [Lwb] [Upb] [Pos: tPosition] .
   Ref          = Type .
> .
Stats           = <
   NoStat       = .
   Stat         = Next: Stats REV <
      Assign    = Adr Expr            [Pos: tPosition] .
      Call      = Actuals             [Ident: tIdent] [Pos: tPosition] .
      If        = Expr Then: Stats Else: Stats .
      While     = Expr Stats .
      Read      = Adr .
      Write     = Expr .
   > .
> .
Actuals         = <
   NoActual     =                     [Pos: tPosition] .
   Actual       = Next: Actuals REV Expr .
> .
Expr            =                     [Pos: tPosition] <
   Binary       = Lop: Expr Rop: Expr [Operator] .
   Unary        = Expr                [Operator] .
   IntConst     =                     [Value         ] .
   RealConst    =                     [Value: REAL   ] .
   BoolConst    =                     [Value: BOOLEAN] .
   Adr          = <
      Index     = Adr Expr .
      Ident     =                     [Ident: tIdent] .
   > .
> .

# ifndef yyTREE   /* throughout replace TREE by the name of the tree module */
# define yyTREE
# define bool char
# define NoTREE (tTREE) NULL
# define k<type_1> 1
# define k<type_1> 2
typedef unsigned short TREE_tKind;   /* or char */
typedef unsigned short TREE_tMark;
typedef unsigned short TREE_tLabel;
typedef union TREE_Node * tTREE;
typedef void (* TREE_tProcTree) ();
# ifndef TREE_NodeHead
# define TREE_NodeHead
# endif
typedef struct { TREE_tKind yyKind; TREE_tMark yyMark; TREE_NodeHead } TREE_tNodeHead;
typedef struct { TREE_tNodeHead yyHead;
                 <children_and_attributes_of_type_1> } y<type_1>;
typedef struct { TREE_tNodeHead yyHead;
                 <children_and_attributes_of_type_2> } y<type_2>;
union TREE_Node {
   TREE_tKind Kind;
   TREE_tNodeHead yyHead;
   y<type_1> <type_1>;
   y<type_2> <type_2>;
extern tTREE TREERoot;
extern unsigned long TREE_HeapUsed;
extern unsigned short TREE_NodeSize [];
extern char * TREE_NodeName [];
extern tTREE n<type_1>          ();
extern tTREE n<type_2>          ();
extern tTREE m<type_1>          (<input_children_and_attributes_of_type_1>);
extern tTREE m<type_2>          (<input_children_and_attributes_of_type_2>);
extern tTREE MakeTREE           (TREE_tKind Kind);
extern bool  TREE_IsType        (tTREE t, TREE_tKind Kind);
extern void  ReleaseTREE        (tTREE t);
extern void  ReleaseTREEModule  ();
extern void  WriteTREENode      (FILE * f, tTREE t);
extern void  WriteTREE          (FILE * f, tTREE t);
extern tTREE ReadTREE           (FILE * f);
extern void  PutTREE            (FILE * f, tTREE t);
extern tTREE GetTREE            (FILE * f);
extern void  TraverseTREETD     (tTREE t, void (* Procedure) (tTREE t));
extern void  TraverseTREEBU     (tTREE t, void (* Procedure) (tTREE t));
extern tTREE ReverseTREE        (tTREE t);
extern tTREE CopyTREE           (tTREE t);
extern bool  CheckTREE          (tTREE t);
extern void  QueryTREE          (tTREE t);
extern bool  IsEqualTREE        (tTREE t1, tTREE t2);
extern void  BeginTREE          ();
extern void  CloseTREE          ();
# endif

   IMPORT IO;     (* throughout replace TREE by the name of the tree module *)


      NoTREE       = NIL;
      <type_1>     = 1;
      <type_2>     = 2;

      tTREE        = POINTER TO yyNode;
      tProcTree    = PROCEDURE (tTREE);


      yytNodeHead  = RECORD yyKind, yyMark: SHORTCARD; END;

      y<type_1>    = RECORD yyHead: yytNodeHead;
                            <children_and_attributes_of_type_1> END;
      y<type_2>    = RECORD yyHead: yytNodeHead;
                            <children_and_attributes_of_type_2> END;

      yyNode       = RECORD
         | 0        : Kind: SHORTCARD;
         | ...      : yyHead: yytNodeHead;
         | <type_1> : <type_1>    : y<type_1>;
         | <type_2> : <type_2>    : y<type_2>;

   VAR TREERoot  : tTREE;
   VAR HeapUsed  : LONGCARD;
   VAR yyNodeSize: ARRAY [ ... ] OF SHORTCARD;

   PROCEDURE n<type_1>      (): tTREE;
   PROCEDURE n<type_2>      (): tTREE;
   PROCEDURE m<type_1>      (<input_children_and_attributes_of_type_1>): tTREE;
   PROCEDURE m<type_2>      (<input_children_and_attributes_of_type_2>): tTREE;
   PROCEDURE IsType         (Tree: tTREE; Kind: SHORTCARD): BOOLEAN;
   PROCEDURE ReleaseTREE    (Tree: tTREE);
   PROCEDURE ReleaseTREEModule;
   PROCEDURE WriteTREENode  (f: IO.tFile; Tree: tTREE);
   PROCEDURE WriteTREE      (f: IO.tFile; Tree: tTREE);
   PROCEDURE ReadTREE       (f: IO.tFile): tTREE;
   PROCEDURE PutTREE        (f: IO.tFile; Tree: tTREE);
   PROCEDURE GetTREE        (f: IO.tFile): tTREE;
   PROCEDURE ReverseTREE    (Tree: tTREE): tTREE;
   PROCEDURE TraverseTREETD (Tree: tTREE; Proc: tProcTree);
   PROCEDURE TraverseTREEBU (Tree: tTREE; Proc: tProcTree);
   PROCEDURE CopyTREE       (Tree: tTREE): tTree;
   PROCEDURE QueryTREE      (Tree: tTREE);
   PROCEDURE IsEqualTREE    (Tree1, Tree2: tTREE): BOOLEAN;

/* int */
# define beginint(a)
# define closeint(a)
# define readint(a)             (void) fscanf (yyf, "%d", & a);
# define writeint(a)            (void) fprintf (yyf, "%d", a);
# define getint(a)              yyGet ((char *) & a, sizeof (a));
# define putint(a)              yyPut ((char *) & a, sizeof (a));
# define copyint(a, b)
# define equalint(a, b)         a == b
/* short */
# define beginshort(a)
# define closeshort(a)
# define readshort(a)           (void) fscanf (yyf, "%hd", & a);
# define writeshort(a)          (void) fprintf (yyf, "%hd", a);
# define getshort(a)            yyGet ((char *) & a, sizeof (a));
# define putshort(a)            yyPut ((char *) & a, sizeof (a));
# define copyshort(a, b)
# define equalshort(a, b)       a == b
/* long */
# define beginlong(a)
# define closelong(a)
# define readlong(a)            (void) fscanf (yyf, "%ld", & a);
# define writelong(a)           (void) fprintf (yyf, "%ld", a);
# define getlong(a)             yyGet ((char *) & a, sizeof (a));
# define putlong(a)             yyPut ((char *) & a, sizeof (a));
# define copylong(a, b)
# define equallong(a, b)        a == b
/* unsigned */
# define beginunsigned(a)
# define closeunsigned(a)
# define readunsigned(a)        (void) fscanf (yyf, "%u", & a);
# define writeunsigned(a)       (void) fprintf (yyf, "%u", a);
# define getunsigned(a)         yyGet ((char *) & a, sizeof (a));
# define putunsigned(a)         yyPut ((char *) & a, sizeof (a));
# define copyunsigned(a, b)
# define equalunsigned(a, b)    a == b
/* float */
# define beginfloat(a)
# define closefloat(a)
# define readfloat(a)           (void) fscanf (yyf, "%g", & a);
# define writefloat(a)          (void) fprintf (yyf, "%g", a);
# define getfloat(a)            yyGet ((char *) & a, sizeof (a));
# define putfloat(a)            yyPut ((char *) & a, sizeof (a));
# define copyfloat(a, b)
# define equalfloat(a, b)       a == b
/* double */
# define begindouble(a)
# define closedouble(a)
# define readdouble(a)          (void) fscanf (yyf, "%lg", & a);
# define writedouble(a)         (void) fprintf (yyf, "%lg", a);
# define getdouble(a)           yyGet ((char *) & a, sizeof (a));
# define putdouble(a)           yyPut ((char *) & a, sizeof (a));
# define copydouble(a, b)
# define equaldouble(a, b)      a == b
/* bool */
# define beginbool(a)
# define closebool(a)
# define readbool(a)            a = fgetc (yyf) == 'T';
# define writebool(a)           (void) fputc (a ? 'T' : 'F', yyf);
# define getbool(a)             yyGet ((char *) & a, sizeof (a));
# define putbool(a)             yyPut ((char *) & a, sizeof (a));
# define copybool(a, b)
# define equalbool(a, b)        a == b
/* char */
# define beginchar(a)
# define closechar(a)
# define readchar(a)            a = fgetc (yyf);
# define writechar(a)           (void) fputc (a, yyf);
# define getchar(a)             yyGet ((char *) & a, sizeof (a));
# define putchar(a)             yyPut ((char *) & a, sizeof (a));
# define copychar(a, b)
# define equalchar(a, b)        a == b
/* tString */
# define begintString(a)
# define closetString(a)
# define readtString(a)
# define writetString(a)        (void) fputs (a, yyf);
# define gettString(a)
# define puttString(a)
# define copytString(a, b)
# define equaltString(a, b)     strcmp (a, b)
/* tStringRef */
# define begintStringRef(a)
# define closetStringRef(a)
# define readtStringRef(a)
# define writetStringRef(a)     WriteString (yyf, a);
# define gettStringRef(a)
# define puttStringRef(a)
# define copytStringRef(a, b)
# define equaltStringRef(a, b)  a == b
/* tIdent */
# define begintIdent(a)
# define closetIdent(a)
# define readtIdent(a)          a = yyReadIdent ();
# define writetIdent(a)         WriteIdent (yyf, a);
# define gettIdent(a)           yyGetIdent (& a);
# define puttIdent(a)           yyPutIdent (a);
# define copytIdent(a, b)
# define equaltIdent(a, b)      a == b
/* tSet */
# define begintSet(a)
# define closetSet(a)
# define readtSet(a)            ReadSet (yyf, & a);
# define writetSet(a)           WriteSet (yyf, & a);
# define gettSet(a)
# define puttSet(a)
# define copytSet(a, b)
# define equaltSet(a, b)        IsEqual (& a, & b)
/* tPosition */
# define begintPosition(a)
# define closetPosition(a)
# define readtPosition(a)
# define writetPosition(a)      WritePosition (yyf, a);
# define gettPosition(a)
# define puttPosition(a)
# define copytPosition(a, b)
# define equaltPosition(a, b)   Compare (a, b) == 0

# define beginINTEGER(a)
# define closeINTEGER(a)
# define readINTEGER(a)         a := IO.ReadI (yyf);
# define writeINTEGER(a)        IO.WriteI (yyf, a, 0);
# define getINTEGER(a)          yyGet (a);
# define putINTEGER(a)          yyPut (a);
# define copyINTEGER(a, b)
# define equalINTEGER(a, b)     a = b
# define beginSHORTINT(a)
# define closeSHORTINT(a)
# define readSHORTINT(a)        a := IO.ReadI (yyf);
# define writeSHORTINT(a)       IO.WriteI (yyf, a, 0);
# define getSHORTINT(a)         yyGet (a);
# define putSHORTINT(a)         yyPut (a);
# define copySHORTINT(a, b)
# define equalSHORTINT(a, b)    a = b
# define beginLONGINT(a)
# define closeLONGINT(a)
# define readLONGINT(a)         a := IO.ReadI (yyf);
# define writeLONGINT(a)        IO.WriteI (yyf, a, 0);
# define getLONGINT(a)          yyGet (a);
# define putLONGINT(a)          yyPut (a);
# define copyLONGINT(a, b)
# define equalLONGINT(a, b)     a = b
# define beginCARDINAL(a)
# define closeCARDINAL(a)
# define readCARDINAL(a)        a := IO.ReadI (yyf);
# define writeCARDINAL(a)       IO.WriteI (yyf, a, 0);
# define getCARDINAL(a)         yyGet (a);
# define putCARDINAL(a)         yyPut (a);
# define copyCARDINAL(a, b)
# define equalCARDINAL(a, b)    a = b
# define beginSHORTCARD(a)
# define closeSHORTCARD(a)
# define readSHORTCARD(a)       a := IO.ReadI (yyf);
# define writeSHORTCARD(a)      IO.WriteI (yyf, a, 0);
# define getSHORTCARD(a)        yyGet (a);
# define putSHORTCARD(a)        yyPut (a);
# define copySHORTCARD(a, b)
# define equalSHORTCARD(a, b)   a = b
# define beginLONGCARD(a)
# define closeLONGCARD(a)
# define readLONGCARD(a)        a := IO.ReadI (yyf);
# define writeLONGCARD(a)       IO.WriteI (yyf, a, 0);
# define getLONGCARD(a)         yyGet (a);
# define putLONGCARD(a)         yyPut (a);
# define copyLONGCARD(a, b)
# define equalLONGCARD(a, b)    a = b
(* REAL *)
# define beginREAL(a)
# define closeREAL(a)
# define readREAL(a)            a := IO.ReadR (yyf);
# define writeREAL(a)           IO.WriteR (yyf, a, 0, 6, 1);
# define getREAL(a)             yyGet (a);
# define putREAL(a)             yyPut (a);
# define copyREAL(a, b)
# define equalREAL(a, b)        a = b
# define beginLONGREAL(a)
# define closeLONGREAL(a)
# define readLONGREAL(a)        a := IO.ReadR (yyf);
# define writeLONGREAL(a)       IO.WriteR (yyf, a, 0, 6, 1);
# define getLONGREAL(a)         yyGet (a);
# define putLONGREAL(a)         yyPut (a);
# define copyLONGREAL(a, b)
# define equalLONGREAL(a, b)    a = b
# define beginBOOLEAN(a)
# define closeBOOLEAN(a)
# define readBOOLEAN(a)         a := IO.ReadB (yyf);
# define writeBOOLEAN(a)        IO.WriteB (yyf, a);
# define getBOOLEAN(a)          yyGet (a);
# define putBOOLEAN(a)          yyPut (a);
# define copyBOOLEAN(a, b)
# define equalBOOLEAN(a, b)     a = b
(* CHAR *)
# define beginCHAR(a)
# define closeCHAR(a)
# define readCHAR(a)            a := IO.ReadC (yyf);
# define writeCHAR(a)           IO.WriteC (yyf, a);
# define getCHAR(a)             yyGet (a);
# define putCHAR(a)             yyPut (a);
# define copyCHAR(a, b)
# define equalCHAR(a, b)        a = b
(* BITSET *)
# define beginBITSET(a)
# define closeBITSET(a)
# define readBITSET(a)          yyReadHex (a);
# define writeBITSET(a)         yyWriteHex (a);
# define getBITSET(a)           yyGet (a);
# define putBITSET(a)           yyPut (a);
# define copyBITSET(a, b)
# define equalBITSET(a, b)      a = b
(* BYTE *)
# define beginBYTE(a)
# define closeBYTE(a)
# define readBYTE(a)            yyReadHex (a);
# define writeBYTE(a)           yyWriteHex (a);
# define getBYTE(a)             yyGet (a);
# define putBYTE(a)             yyPut (a);
# define copyBYTE(a, b)
# define equalBYTE(a, b)        a = b
(* WORD *)
# define beginWORD(a)
# define closeWORD(a)
# define readWORD(a)            yyReadHex (a);
# define writeWORD(a)           yyWriteHex (a);
# define getWORD(a)             yyGet (a);
# define putWORD(a)             yyPut (a);
# define copyWORD(a, b)
# define equalWORD(a, b)        a = b
# define beginADDRESS(a)
# define closeADDRESS(a)
# define readADDRESS(a)         yyReadHex (a);
# define writeADDRESS(a)        yyWriteHex (a);
# define getADDRESS(a)          yyGet (a);
# define putADDRESS(a)          yyPut (a);
# define copyADDRESS(a, b)
# define equalADDRESS(a, b)     a = b
(* tString *)
# define begintString(a)
# define closetString(a)
# define readtString(a)         Strings.ReadL (yyf, a);
# define writetString(a)        Strings.WriteL (yyf, a);
# define gettString(a)          yyGet (a);
# define puttString(a)          yyPut (a);
# define copytString(a, b)
# define equaltString(a, b)     Strings.IsEqual (a, b)
(* tStringRef *)
# define begintStringRef(a)
# define closetStringRef(a)
# define readtStringRef(a)
# define writetStringRef(a)     StringMem.WriteString (yyf, a);
# define gettStringRef(a)
# define puttStringRef(a)
# define copytStringRef(a, b)
# define equaltStringRef(a, b)  a = b
(* tIdent *)
# define begintIdent(a)
# define closetIdent(a)
# define readtIdent(a)          a := yyReadIdent ();
# define writetIdent(a)         Idents.WriteIdent (yyf, a);
# define gettIdent(a)           yyGetIdent (a);
# define puttIdent(a)           yyPutIdent (a);
# define copytIdent(a, b)
# define equaltIdent(a, b)      a = b
(* tText *)
# define begintText(a)
# define closetText(a)
# define readtText(a)
# define writetText(a)          Texts.WriteText (yyf, a);
# define gettText(a)
# define puttText(a)
# define copytText(a, b)
# define equaltText(a, b)       FALSE
(* tSet *)
# define begintSet(a)
# define closetSet(a)
# define readtSet(a)            Sets.ReadSet (yyf, a);
# define writetSet(a)           Sets.WriteSet (yyf, a);
# define gettSet(a)
# define puttSet(a)
# define copytSet(a, b)
# define equaltSet(a, b)        Sets.IsEqual (a, b)
(* tRelation *)
# define begintRelation(a)
# define closetRelation(a)
# define readtRelation(a)       Relations.ReadRelation (yyf, a);
# define writetRelation(a)      Relations.WriteRelation (yyf, a);
# define gettRelation(a)
# define puttRelation(a)
# define copytRelation(a, b)
# define equaltRelation(a, b)   Relations.IsEqual (a, b)
(* tPosition *)
# define begintPosition(a)
# define closetPosition(a)
# define readtPosition(a)
# define writetPosition(a)      Positions.WritePosition (yyf, a);
# define gettPosition(a)
# define puttPosition(a)
# define copytPosition(a, b)
# define equaltPosition(a, b)   Positions.Compare (a, b) = 0




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