20 Ways to know you're a BBS addict 1. When your youngster saw the cover art for "So Much Modem Madness" did he/she yell out "DA DA"? 2. Is your idea of family quality time a tour of Bell Labs? 3. No matter what baud modem you own, (even 28.8k) do you wish you had one that was faster? 4. Has your wife or girlfriend ever left for more than 3 days and you didn't even know they were gone? 5. Is your phone bill so large it gets delivered by UPS? 6. Have you ever left tearful announcements on Long-distance BBSs telling everyone you couldn't afford to call anymore, then kept checking back to see if anyone had responded? 7. Has your phone company sent you hand written thank-you notes? 8. When you return from vacation, do you get a call from your phone company asking if everything is all right? 9. Have you ever cancelled a date cause he/she wants a late night dinner when the phone rates are lowest? 10. Do you call during the morning hours, knowing the rates are the highest with the excuse that "at least I will be able to get on?" 11. Do you own a back-up generator so you can run your computer even when the power company can't? 12. Have you ever logged on to a BBS, and then realized you didn't know what City, State, or Country it was in? 13. Can you log onto a BBS, Browse, and log off without ever having to turn the monitor on? 14. Are the words ON LINE burnt into your monitor screen? 15. Do you know more about what is going on in the lives of the people in the BBS community than you do about the people you live with? 16. Does your hard drive contain more files than any of the BBSs you call? 17. Do you compete with others to be the #1 user on every BBS you call? 18. Have you ever called a BBS at 4:00am, found it was offline, then called the sysop just in case they didn't know? 19. Do you page sysops into chat, even though you see the message 'sysop not available' again and again, because you think that maybe they will make an exception for you? 20. Are you late for work/school in the morning because you insist on answering all 235 netmail messages you've received?