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E-Mail Checkers Section


This section contains Email Checking programs, and other Email utilities to help you manage your mail. Email checkers are programs that work in conjunction with your email program. They sit in the background, usually taking up little system resources, and notify you when you have mail. They play sounds, pop up boxes or do other imaginative things to notify you when you get messages. For programs to download and read your mail, look in the Email Clients section. There are also some programs that contain email checking functionality in the Internet Tools Section.

E-Mail Ferret

  • Version Number: 1.1002
  • Revision Date: August 28, 1997
  • File Name: eft111.exe
  • Byte Size: 706,964
  • License: Shareware
  • Homepage:
  • Description: E-Mail Ferret is a utility designed to be "the fastest and easiest way to find people's e-mail addresses.
    5 Cows


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